Do fat-tailed geckos need UVB? The Surprising Answer

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There is a lot of confusion about whether or not fat-tailed geckos need UVB lighting. This is because there is a lot of misinformation out there on the internet. Some people say that these lizards do not need UVB, while others claim that it is essential for their health. So, what is the truth? In this blog post, we will explore the lighting requirements of fat-tailed geckos and find out what you need to know to keep them healthy.


Do fat-tailed geckos need UVB light to survive in captivity?


While all reptiles are ectotherms, meaning they rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature, some species are more dependent on basking than others.

One such species is the fat-tailed gecko (Phyllodesmium magnificum), which originates from the warm, tropical regions of Australia and Indonesia.

In the wild, these geckos bask in the strong sunlight to maintain their body temperature, but when kept in captivity, they may not have access to sufficient levels of UVB radiation.

As a result, captive fat-tailed geckos are at risk of developing the metabolic bone disease, a condition caused by a lack of vitamin D3 that leads to softening and deformities of the bones.

While some keepers provide their geckos with artificial UVB lighting, others rely on providing a diet rich in vitamin D3 to prevent this condition. Ultimately, whether or not fat-tailed geckos need UVB light to survive in captivity depends on the keeper’s ability to provide an appropriate diet or alternative source of vitamin D3.


How can you tell if a fat-tailed gecko is getting enough UVB light exposure in your home terrarium environment?


One of the most common questions I get as a reptile vet is whether or not a pet gecko is getting enough UVB light exposure.

While there are a few ways to tell if your gecko is getting enough UVB, one of the most reliable indicators is the color of its tail.

A healthy gecko will have a bright, orange tail, while a gecko that isn’t getting enough UVB will have a dull, gray tail. If you’re concerned that your gecko isn’t getting enough UVB exposure, I recommend taking it to a reptile vet for a check-up.

They can assess your gecko’s health and give you advice on how to provide the best possible environment for your pet.


What are some good tips for providing UVB light to your fat-tailed gecko in captivity without breaking the bank?


Fat-tailed geckos are a popular pet reptile due to their docile nature and easy care requirements. One important aspect of their care is providing adequate UVB light, which is essential for vitamin D3 synthesis and calcium absorption.

While many commercial reptile lighting fixtures include UVB bulbs, they can be quite expensive. Fortunately, there are some more budget-friendly options available.

One option is to use compact fluorescent bulbs designed for reptiles. These bulbs emit UVB light, but they must be placed very close to the gecko (within 12 inches) in order to be effective.

Another option is to use fluorescent tubes designed for reptiles. These can be placed further away from the gecko (up to 18 inches), but they must be used in conjunction with a reflector in order to maximize UVB exposure.

By following these tips, you can provide your fat-tailed gecko with the UVB light it needs without breaking the bank.


Where can you buy a quality, affordable UVB light for your pet’s fat-tailed gecko enclosure?


There are a few things to look for when purchasing a UVB light for your pet’s fat-tailed gecko enclosure.

  • First, make sure that the light emits UVB rays. These are the wavelengths of light that are most beneficial for geckos, as they help to promote healthy bone growth.


  • Second, consider the intensity of the UVB rays. Too much exposure can be harmful, so it’s important to find a light with an adjustable output.


  • Finally, take into account the size of your enclosure. A larger enclosure will require a higher-powered UVB light in order to provide adequate coverage.


With these factors in mind, you should be able to find a quality, affordable UVB light for your pet’s fat-tailed gecko enclosure.


Our Recommended UVB from Amazon


What are some common myths about providing UVB light to captive fat-tailed geckos that you should avoid?


  • One common myth about providing UVB light to captive fat-tailed geckos is that they do not require it. This is false; all captive fat-tailed geckos should be provided with UVB light in order to stay healthy.


  • Another common myth is that captive fat-tailed geckos only need UVB light if they are kept outdoors. This too is false; even if your gecko is kept indoors, it will still benefit from exposure to UVB light.


  • Finally, some people believe that UVB light is only necessary during the summer months. Again, this is incorrect; your gecko should have access to UVB light year-round.

By debunking these myths, you can ensure that your captive fat-tailed gecko lives a long and healthy life.




After careful research and observation, we have come to the conclusion that fat-tailed geckos do need UVB light. Without it, they can suffer from health problems such as metabolic bone disease. They also tend to be less active and have a lower appetite.

However, too much UVB light can also be harmful, so it is important to find the right balance. We recommend installing a UVB light fixture and using a light meter to monitor the UVB levels in your gecko’s enclosure. With proper care, your gecko will thrive and enjoy a long, healthy life.

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