Do King Cobras Eat Pythons? The Surprising Answer

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King cobras are one of the most feared snakes in the world. With their large size, impressive venom, and deadly Bite, it’s no wonder why. But what do these snakes eat? In the wild, king cobras primarily feed on other snakes, including pythons. Keep reading to learn more about this predator-prey relationship.


Do king cobras eat pythons?


The king cobra is the giant venomous snake in the world, capable of preying on various animals.

While smaller snakes are typically on the menu, cobras have been known to eat pythons occasionally.

Pythons are nonvenomous constrictors that typically kill their prey by suffocation.

When confronted with a king cobra, a python will often try to wrap itself around the cobra to smother it.

However, the cobra’s muscular body and powerful muscles allow it to break free from the python’s coils.

Once free, the cobra will quickly strike, injecting its deadly venom into the python’s body. The poison soon begins to break down the python’s tissue, and within minutes, the snake dies.

The king cobra then swallows its prey whole, digesting it over several days. So while pythons are not a regular part of the king cobra’s diet, they are certainly not off-limits.


The King Cobra’s Diet


King cobras are predators that primarily feed on other snakes. However, they will also eat lizards, rodents, and birds in the wild. Adult king cobras usually eat smaller snakes, while juveniles eat lizards and rodents.

When food is scarce, king cobras have been known to cannibalize smaller members of their species.

King cobras are not picky eaters and consume just about any snake they come across. Unfortunately, this includes pythons and some of the world’s giant snakes.

Pythons are nonvenomous constrictors that kill their prey by wrapping their bodies around them and suffocating them.

While pythons are not poisonous, they can still put up a good fight when cornered by a king cobra.


The Predator-Prey Relationship Between King Cobras and Pythons


The predator-prey relationship between king cobras and pythons is an interesting one.

In many cases, it is the king cobra that is on the menu for python.

That’s because pythons are opportunistic feeders that consume just about anything they can fit into their mouths, including animals that could harm them.

Pythons will sometimes strike first and try to constrict a king cobra before it has a chance to bite them. However, this is not always successful, as king cobras are faster and more agile than pythons.

When a king cobra successfully catches a python, it will quickly dispatch it with its venomous Bite. The venom of a king cobra is powerful enough to kill an elephant, so it does the trick when taking down a python.




King cobras are feared predators that primarily feed on other snakes—including pythons. Pythons are nonvenomous constrictors that pose little threat to an adult king cobra. However, pythons will sometimes strike first and try to constrict a king cobra before it has a chance to bite them. When a king cobra successfully catches a python, it will quickly dispatch it with its venomous Bite.

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