Do Millipedes Eat Mangoes? The Truth About What These Little Insects Eat

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Do millipedes eat mango? This is a question that many people have asked, as these little creatures are often found in the same areas as this fruit. In this blog post, we will explore what millipedes actually eat, and whether or not they consume mangoes. Spoiler alert: the answer may surprise you.


Can millipedes eat mango?


Millipedes are primarily scavengers that feed on decaying leaves, dead insects, and other organic matter.

While they will occasionally eat small seeds or soft fruits, they are not major pests of crops.

In fact, millipedes can actually be beneficial to gardens and farms, as they help to break down organic matter and improve soil fertility. So, while millipedes may nibble on the occasional mango, they are not a significant threat to crops.


Can I feed my pet millipede mango?


Millipedes are scavengers that will eat just about anything, so mangoes are certainly on the menu.

However, you should avoid overfeeding your millipede as this can lead to health problems.

A good rule of thumb is to offer your millipede a piece of fruit that is about the same size as its head. If you’re not sure how much to give, start with a small piece and increase the amount as needed.

You should also offer your millipede a variety of other foods to ensure that it gets all the nutrients it needs. Some good options include leafy greens, vegetables, and small insects.

By providing a varied diet, you can help your millipede stay healthy and happy.


Millipedes and Mangoes


Millipedes are arthropods that are characterized by their long, cylindrical bodies and the large number of legs they have. Millipedes are usually dark-colored and can range in size from a few millimeters to several inches.

They are found in tropical and temperate regions all over the world and often live in damp environments such as forests or gardens. Millipedes typically eat decaying vegetation, but some species will also feed on smaller animals.

Mangoes are a type of fruit that is native to South Asia. Mangoes are typically yellow or red when ripe and have a sweet, fleshy interior.

Mangoes are a popular food all over the world and are often used in salads, desserts, and juices. Mangoes are also a good source of vitamins A and C.


What millipedes eat


Millipedes are herbivores, and their diet consists primarily of decaying plant matter. By feeding on dead leaves and other organic debris, millipedes help to recycle nutrients back into the soil.

They also play an important role in the decomposition process, breaking down complex molecules into simpler compounds that can be used by plants.

In addition to decomposing matter, millipedes also help to aerate the soil and control pests. By burrowing through the ground, they create tunnels that allow air and water to reach plant roots.

Their tunneling also disrupts the habitat of harmful pests such as mites and termites. As a result, millipedes provide a vital service to both plants and animals.


How to get rid of millipedes


Millipedes typically live outdoors in damp areas such as under logs, leaves, and stones. If they find their way into your home, they will likely be found in basements, crawlspaces, or another moist areas.

While millipede infestations are not harmful to your home or health, they can be a nuisance. If you want to get rid of millipedes, the first step is to remove their food sources and moisture sources.

Be sure to clean up any areas where there is rotting wood or leaves. You should also repair any leaks and make sure that your gutters are clean and functioning properly.

Once you have removed their food and water sources, you can then treat the area with an insecticide designed for millipedes.


The benefits of having millipedes in your garden


Millipedes are one of the most common garden pests, but they can actually be beneficial to your garden.

  • For one thing, they help to aerate the soil by burrowing through it. This helps to improve drainage and aeration, which can encourage root growth.


  • Additionally, millipedes help to break down organic matter, releasing valuable nutrients into the soil.


  • They also consume many of the smaller pests that can damage your plants, such as aphids and mites.


  • As a result, having a few millipedes in your garden can actually be helpful.


Just be sure to keep an eye on their population size, as too many millipedes can start to cause problems.




Millipedes are scavengers that primarily eat decaying leaves and other organic matter. However, they will also consume live plants if given the opportunity. While millipedes do not typically eat fruit, they may damage mangoes if they crawl across them.

The millipede’s body is covered in sharp, hard appendages that can puncture the skin of the fruit and cause it to rot. In addition, millipedes can carry harmful bacteria on their bodies that can contaminate the fruit. For these reasons, it is best to keep millipedes away from mangoes. If you suspect that a millipede has come into contact with your fruit, be sure to wash the mangoes thoroughly before eating them.

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