Do Monitor Lizards Keep Snakes Away? The Surprising Truth

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There’s an old wives’ tale that claims monitor lizards keep snakes away. Is there any truth to this? Or is it just a myth? In this blog post, we’ll explore the answer to that question and more.


What is the evidence that monitor lizards keep snakes away from properties and gardens?


There is a great deal of anecdotal evidence that monitor lizards help to keep snakes away from properties and gardens.

In many cases, these lizards are attracted to the same areas that snakes prefer, such as areas with dense vegetation or a reliable food source.

As a result, they often compete for the same space. In addition, monitor lizards are known to eat snakes, which provides another incentive for snakes to stay away.

However, there is also some scientific evidence to support these claims. A study conducted in Malaysia found that areas with a high density of monitor lizards had a lower density of snakes.

This suggests that the lizards do have an impact on snake populations.

While more research is needed to confirm these findings, there is strong evidence that monitor lizards can help to keep snakes away from homes and gardens.


Are there any breeds of snakes that pose a threat to monitor lizards?


There are a variety of snakes that pose a threat to monitor lizards, but some are more dangerous than others.

For instance, the king cobra is one of the most venomous snakes in the world and can easily kill a monitor lizard.

Other snakes that pose a threat include the black mamba, the western diamondback rattlesnake, and the eastern brown snake.

All of these snakes are capable of killing a monitor lizard with their venomous bites.

In addition, some large constrictor snakes, such as the anaconda and the Burmese python, can also kill monitor lizards by squeezing them to death. As you can see, there are many different types of snakes that can be dangerous to monitor lizards.


Do monitor lizards pose a threat to other reptiles or wildlife in the area?


According to experts, the answer is not clear.

Some researchers believe that monitor lizards can pose a threat to other reptiles, as they are known to eat eggs and small animals.

However, other studies have shown that monitor lizards typically only eat carrion, and are not likely to attack healthy prey.

Therefore, the jury is still out on whether or not these lizards pose a significant threat to other wildlife.

For now, it is important to monitor the population of monitor lizards in an area, as well as their interactions with other animals. Only time will tell if they pose a serious threat to local ecosystems.


How can you deter snakes from your property without harming monitor lizards or any other animals living there?


While snakes can be an unwelcome sight for many homeowners, it is important to take care when deterring them from your property.

One common method is to use mothballs or Cindersol, however, these can be harmful to other animals living on your property, including monitor lizards.

A better option is to create a barrier around your home with chicken wire or hardware cloth. Be sure to bury the barriers at least six inches underground and extend them 18 inches above the ground.

You can also deter snakes by keeping your property clean and free of debris, as they will often hide in cluttered areas.

Finally, make sure to seal any openings leading into your home, as snakes can squeeze through very small spaces. By taking these precautions, you can deter snakes from your property without harming any other animals.


What are some of the benefits of having monitor lizards on your property instead of snakes?


As any herpetologist will tell you, monitor lizards are far superior to snakes in many ways. For one, they are much more intelligent and can be trained to perform simple tasks. They also tend to be more docile than snakes and are less likely to bite unless provoked.

Additionally, monitor lizards are active during the day, whereas most snakes are nocturnal. This means that you are more likely to see a monitor lizard out and about on your property, which can be a plus if you’re looking for extra security.

Finally, monitor lizards are simply more aesthetically pleasing than snakes, and many people find them to be fascinating creatures. Consequently, there are many good reasons to have monitor lizards on your property instead of snakes.


Are there any potential drawbacks to allowing monitor lizards to live around your home or garden?


While monitor lizards can be interesting and even helpful animals to have around your home or garden, there are also some potential drawbacks that you should be aware of.

For one, monitor lizards can be aggressive, and they have been known to bite people. Additionally, monitor lizards can carry diseases that can be harmful to humans, such as salmonella.

Finally, monitor lizards are large animals, and they can cause extensive property damage if they are not properly contained.

Therefore, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of having a monitor lizard on your property before making a decision.




While there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that monitor lizards keep snakes away, there are a few reasons why this may be the case. First of all, snakes are instinctually afraid of lizards, as they are potential predators.

Additionally, the loud noises that monitor lizards make may also scare away snakes. Finally, the large size of monitor lizards can make them intimidating to smaller snakes. While there is no guarantee that monitor lizards will completely keep away snakes, their presence may help to reduce the number of snakes in an area.

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