Do newts need a filter? An Honest Guide

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If you’re like most people, the answer to this question is a resounding “Yes” And you would be correct – newts do technically need a filter in their tank. However, there are some compelling reasons why you might not want to consider adding one anyway. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of using a filter in your newt tank and provide some tips on how to choose the right one for your needs.




When it comes to keeping newts, there are a few different schools of thought on whether or not they need a filter. Some people believe that filtration is unnecessary and that newts are perfectly capable of keeping their tanks clean. Others believe that filtration is essential for the health of newts. So, what’s the verdict? Do newts need a filter?

The answer may depend on the type of newt you have. Some newts, such as the Fire-bellied Newt, are quite hardy and can do well without filtration. However, other types of newts, such as the Imperial Newt, are more sensitive and may benefit from filtration.

In general, most experts agree that filtration is a good idea for newts, even if it’s not strictly necessary. Filtration helps to remove waste and toxins from the water, making it cleaner and healthier for newts.

Additionally, filtration can help to keep the water oxygenated, which is important for newts since they breathe through their skin.

So, while you may be able to get by without a filter if you have tough newts like Fire-bellies, it’s generally a good idea to use one. Now let’s take a look at how to choose the right filter for your newt tank.


How to Choose the Right Filter for Your Newt Tank


When it comes to choosing a filter for your newt tank, there are a few things you’ll need to consider. The first is the size of your tank. You’ll need to make sure that you choose a filter that is appropriate for the size of your tank. If you have a small tank, you can get away with a small filter. However, if you have a large tank, you’ll need a larger filter to accommodate the extra water.

The second thing you’ll need to consider is the type of newt you have. As we mentioned earlier, some newts are more sensitive than others and may do better with a stronger filter. If you have a sensitive newt, look for a filter that has adjustable settings so that you can customize the level of filtration to meet your newt’s needs.

Finally, you’ll need to consider the cost of the filter. Filters can range in price from around $20 to $100 or more. When it comes to filters, you generally get what you pay for. The more expensive filters tend to be of higher quality and will last longer. However, if you’re on a budget, there are still some good options available.


An internal or external filter and the pros and cons of each


When it comes to newt tanks, you have two main options for filters: internal and external. Internal filters are designed to be placed inside the tank. This makes them less obtrusive and can be a good option if you have a small tank. However, internal filters can be more difficult to clean and maintain.

External filters are designed to be placed outside the tank. This makes them easier to clean and maintain, but they can be more obtrusive. Ultimately, the decision of which type of filter to use is up to you.

If you decide to use an internal filter, make sure that it is properly sealed so that your newts can’t get to it. Newts are curious creatures and may try to investigate the filter, which can be dangerous.

If you decide to use an external filter, make sure that it is properly plumbed so that there is no risk of leaks. External filters also need to be placed at the correct height so that they can gravity-feed water back into the tank.

No matter which type of filter you choose, make sure that you clean and maintain it on a regular basis. This will help to keep your newt tank clean and healthy.


Do I need to do water changes and how often?


Water changes are an important part of keeping your newt tank clean and healthy. Water changes help to remove waste and toxins from the water, making it cleaner and healthier for your newts.

How often you need to do water changes will depend on the size of your tank, the number of newts you have, and the type of filtration you are using.

Generally, it is recommended that you do a water change of at least 25% once a week. However, if your tank is particularly dirty or your newts are especially sensitive, you may need to do water changes more often.

When doing a water change, it is important to use dechlorinated water. Chlorine and other chemicals in tap water can be harmful to newts. You can dechlorinate your water by letting it sit out for 24 hours or using a water conditioner.

After you have dechlorinated your water, you’ll need to add it to the tank. To do this, slowly pour the water into the tank, making sure not to disturb the newts. Once you’ve added the water, check the filter to make sure that it is still working properly.

Finally, it is important to monitor your newts closely after a water change. This is because they may be stressed from the change in their environment.

Water changes are an important part of newt care, but they can be time-consuming. If you don’t have the time to do water changes every week, consider using an automatic water changer. Automatic water changers are devices that hook up to your tank and change the water for you. They are relatively expensive, but they can save you a lot of time and effort.


The Benefits of Using a Filter in Your Newt Tank


There are many benefits to using a filter in your newt tank. Filters help to keep the water clean and clear, which is important for the health of your newts. Filters also help to remove waste and toxins from the water, making it safer for your newts to swim in. In addition, filters can provide aeration, which is important for the health of your newts’ skin and gills.

Using a filter in your newt tank is also important because it helps to keep the tank itself clean. This is because filters remove debris and waste from the water before it has a chance to settle on the bottom of the tank. As a result, you won’t have to clean the tank as often, and your newts will have a cleaner and healthier environment to live in.




Yes, newts do need a filter. Filters help to keep the water clean and clear, which is important for the health of your newts. In addition, filters can remove waste and toxins from the water, making it safer for your newts to swim in. If you have a newt tank, be sure to use a filter to help keep your newts healthy and your tank clean.

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