Do Pink Tongue Skinks Need UVB? The Truth About If They Require Ultraviolet Lighting

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There is a lot of debate surrounding whether or not pink tongue skinks need UVB lighting. Some people swear by it, while others say that it’s not necessary. So what’s the truth? In this blog post, we will explore the topic in-depth and try to answer once and for all whether or not pink tongue skinks require UVB light.


 Do pink tongue skinks need UVB


All reptiles, including skinks, need access to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation to synthesize vitamin D3 in their skin.

Vitamin D3 is essential for calcium absorption, and a lack of vitamin D3 can lead to metabolic bone disease.

While captive skinks can get enough vitamin D3 from eating foods that have been supplemented with the vitamin, they still need exposure to UVB radiation.

Pink tongue skinks are no exception and should have access to UVB radiation for at least 12 hours per day.

The best way to provide UVB exposure is to use a special reptile bulb in an overhead light fixture. These bulbs emit UVB radiation while also providing the benefits of visible light, which can help to keep your skink healthy and active.


What is UVB Light


UVB light is a type of ultraviolet radiation that is emitted by the sun.

It is shorter in wavelength than UVA light, and it penetrates the skin to a depth of about 1-2 millimeters. UVB light is responsible for causing sunburn, and it is also a major contributor to skin cancer.

However, it should be noted that UVB light is not completely absorbed by the atmosphere, and some of it reaches the Earth’s surface.

This is why it is important to use sunscreen even on cloudy days. When choosing a sunscreen, be sure to look for one that provides broad-spectrum protection against both UVA and UVB light.


Why do Pink Tongue Skinks need UVB


Like all lizards, Pink Tongue Skinks need UVB rays to help them produce vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is essential for calcium absorption, which is necessary for bone growth and maintenance.

Without adequate levels of vitamin D3, Pink Tongue Skinks can develop the metabolic bone disease, a condition that weakens bones and makes them more prone to fractures.

In addition to providing vitamin D3, UVB rays also help Pink Tongue Skinks regulate their body temperature.

By basking in the sun, they can raise their body temperature to the level that is optimal for their metabolism.

For these reasons, it is essential that Pink Tongue Skinks have access to UVB rays.


How to use UVB lights for a Pink Tongue Skink.


Pink tongue skinks are relatively easy to care for, but they do require some special considerations.

One of the most important things to remember is that these lizards need access to UVB light. This light helps the lizards to absorb calcium, which is essential for their health.

Without adequate UVB light, pink tongue skinks can develop the metabolic bone disease, which can be fatal.

These lizards should have access to UVB light for at least 12 hours per day. The best way to provide UVB light is to use a reptile bulb in a basking lamp.

These bulbs can be found at most pet stores. Remember to also provide your lizard with a hiding spot, as they like to feel safe and secure.

With proper care, your pink tongue skink will thrive and bring you years of enjoyment.


Where can you find a good UVB light for your skink


If you’re looking for a good UVB light for your skink, your best bet is to head to your local pet store. In the reptile section, you’ll find a variety of lights designed specifically for reptiles.

You’ll want to look for a light that emits UVB rays, as this is essential for your skink’s health. Be sure to read the labels carefully, as some lights emit more UVB rays than others.

You’ll also want to consider the size of your skink’s enclosure when choosing a light, as you’ll need to ensure that the whole enclosure is exposed to UVB rays.

With a little bit of research, you should be able to find the perfect UVB light for your skink.


UVB Lighting From Amazon



In conclusion, it is important to remember that all reptiles need access to UVB radiation in order to synthesize vitamin D3. Without vitamin D3, reptiles are unable to absorb calcium, which can lead to a number of health problems including shell deformities, metabolic bone disease, and muscle weakness.

Pink tongue skinks are no exception to this rule and should be provided with a quality UVB light source in order to ensure their long-term health and wellbeing. While pink tongue skinks are relatively hardy reptiles, they are still vulnerable to health problems if their care requirements are not met. By providing your pink tongue skink with the proper care, you can help ensure a long and healthy life for your pet.

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