Do Skinks Eat Ants?: The Strange and Surprising Eating Habits of Skinks

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Do skinks eat ants? This is a question that many people have wondered about, but it is not easily answered. Skinks are a type of lizard that can be found all over the world, and they have some pretty strange eating habits! In this blog post, we will explore the different types of food that skinks eat, and answer the question once and for all: do skinks eat ants?


Skinks and Ant Eating


First, let’s take a look at what skinks typically eat. Skinks are carnivorous creatures, which means that they mostly eat other animals. Their diet consists of small insects, spiders, and other invertebrates. They will also sometimes eat small vertebrates, such as lizards and snakes.

Now that we know what skinks typically eat, let’s answer the question: do skinks eat ants? The answer is yes! Skinks will occasionally eat ants, but they are not a major part of their diet. Ants are simply too small to provide the nutrients that skinks need to survive.


Should I feed ants to my skink in captivity?


No, you should not feed ants to your skink in captivity. Skinks in the wild will only eat ants on occasion, and they are not a major part of their diet. Ants are simply too small to provide the nutrients that skinks need to survive. If you are looking for something to feed your skink, try giving them small insects, spiders, or other invertebrates.


Pros and cons of feeding ants to skinks


-Skinks will occasionally eat ants, so it is not harmful to them.

-Ants are small and easy to catch.



-Ants are not a major part of skinks’ diet and they do not provide the nutrients that skinks need to survive.

-Skinks may become sick if they eat too many ants.

-Catching ants can be difficult and time-consuming.

Overall, it is not necessary to feed ants to skinks. If you are looking for something to feed your skink, try giving them small insects, spiders, or other invertebrates.


What is the best diet to feed skinks in captivity?


The best diet to feed skinks in captivity is a diet that consists of small insects, spiders, and other invertebrates. Skinks in the wild will typically eat these types of creatures, so they are a good source of nutrients for captive skinks. You can also supplement their diet with small lizards and snakes if you want, but it is not necessary.




Yes, skinks will occasionally eat ants. However, ants are not a major part of their diet and they do not provide the nutrients that skinks need to survive. If you are looking for something to feed your skink, try giving them small insects, spiders, or other invertebrates.

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