Handling Snakes: Tips to Get Your Pet Comfortable with Human Touch

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When it comes to owning a pet snake, one of the most important aspects is getting them used to being handled. While some snakes may be more docile than others, it’s important to remember that they are still wild animals and may become defensive or aggressive if they feel threatened.

Therefore, handling your snake regularly and correctly ensures a positive experience for you and your pet.

The first step in getting your snake used to being handled is to start slow and be patient. It’s important to remember that snakes are not social creatures and may take time to adjust to human interaction.

Begin by placing your hand in the enclosure and allowing your snake to become familiar with your scent and presence. Once your snake is comfortable, you can slowly and gently pick them up, supporting its entire body and avoiding sudden movements.

Another important aspect of getting your snake used to being handled is establishing a routine. Snakes thrive on consistency and routine, so try to handle them simultaneously each day or week. This will help them become more comfortable with the process and reduce any stress or anxiety they may feel.

Your snake can become a docile and enjoyable pet with patience, consistency, and proper handling techniques.


Creating a Comfortable Environment


One of the essential factors in getting a snake used to being handled is creating a comfortable environment for them. This means providing the right temperature and humidity and hiding places for the snake to feel secure in.


Temperature and Humidity


Snakes are cold-blooded animals, relying on their environment to regulate their body temperature. Therefore, providing a temperature gradient in the snake’s enclosure is essential, with a warm side and a cooler side. This allows the snake to move between the two areas depending on their needs.

The ideal temperature for most snakes is between 78-82 degrees Fahrenheit on the warm side and 72-76 degrees Fahrenheit on the cool side. Therefore, using a thermometer to monitor the temperature and adjust the heat source as needed is essential.

Humidity is also essential for snakes, as it helps them shed their skin correctly. The ideal humidity level varies depending on the snake species, but most require a 50-60% humidity level. This can be achieved by misting the enclosure regularly or using a humidifier.


Hiding Places


Snakes are naturally shy and prefer hiding places in their enclosure where they can retreat to feel secure. This can be as simple as a cardboard box or a plastic plant pot with a hole cut in the side.

Providing multiple hiding places in different areas of the enclosure is essential, so the snake can choose where they feel most comfortable. This can also help prevent stress and aggression in the snake.

When handling the snake, it’s essential to respect their need for hiding places and not force them out. Instead, gently coax them with a snake hook or wait until they come out independently.


Choosing the Right Snake


Temperament and Size


When choosing the right snake, temperament and size are critical factors. For example, some snakes are more docile and easier to handle than others, while others can be more aggressive or easily stressed. Therefore, issuing a snake that matches your experience level and comfort with handling is essential.

Additionally, the size of the snake should be taken into account. Smaller snakes are generally easier to handle and require less space, while larger snakes can be more challenging to manage and may require a larger enclosure.




There are many species of snakes, each with unique characteristics and care requirements. Some popular pet snake species include:

It’s essential to research each species thoroughly to ensure you can provide the proper care and environment for your new pet. For example, some species may require specialized diets or living conditions, while others may be more adaptable.


Acclimating the Snake to Your Presence




Before getting a snake used to being handled, observing its behavior in its enclosure is crucial. Observe the snake’s feeding habits, movement patterns, and overall temperament. This will give you an idea of the snake’s personality and how it may react to being handled.


Offering Food


One way to acclimate a snake to your presence is by offering food. Snakes are more likely to be comfortable with someone who feeds them regularly. Try to stay near the snake’s enclosure during feeding time and speak softly. This will help the snake associate your presence with positive experiences.


Slowly Introducing Handling


When the snake becomes comfortable with your presence, it is time to introduce handling slowly. Start by placing your hand near the snake’s enclosure and allow it to approach you.

Once the snake is comfortable with your hand near it, slowly start touching it. Start with short touches and gradually increase the duration of the handling sessions.

Remembering to handle the snake gently and avoid sudden movements is important. If the snake becomes agitated or uncomfortable, stop handling it and try again later.


Handling Techniques


Getting a snake used to being handled is a process that requires patience, consistency, and a gentle touch. Here are some techniques to help make handling a positive experience for you and your snake.


Supporting the Snake


When picking up your snake, it is essential to support its entire body. This helps them feel secure and prevents them from becoming stressed or injured.

Place one hand behind the head and the other towards the middle of the body, gently lifting the snake off the ground. Avoid picking up the snake by the tail, which can cause injury and stress.

Once you have lifted the snake, keep its body close to your body to help them feel secure. Avoid sudden movements or jostling, as this can also cause stress.


Avoiding Stressful Situations


It is important to avoid stressful situations when handling your snake. This includes loud noises, sudden movements, and bright lights. Instead, choose a quiet, calm location for handling your snake, and avoid handling them immediately after feeding or during shedding.

When handling your snake, please pay attention to its body language. If they seem uncomfortable or agitated, gently place them back in their enclosure and try again later. Remember, each snake has their personality and may require different levels of handling.

By supporting your snake and avoiding stressful situations, you can help them become more comfortable with being handled. Handling can become a positive experience for you and your snake with patience and consistency.






Aggression is a common issue when handling snakes. A snake may lash out and bite if it feels threatened or uncomfortable. To prevent aggression, handling the snake gently and calmly is vital. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises that may startle the snake.

If the snake does become aggressive, it is best to slowly and gently put it back in its enclosure and try again later.


Refusal to Eat


Snakes may refuse to eat for various reasons, including stress, illness, or environmental changes. If a snake refuses to eat, it is essential to ensure the temperature and humidity in the enclosure are appropriate.

If these factors are correct, try offering a different type of food or feeding at an additional time of day. If the snake refuses food, it may be time to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

It is important to remember that each snake is unique and may require different methods to become comfortable with handling. Therefore, patience and consistency are essential when working with snakes, and it is crucial always to prioritize the safety and well-being of both the snake and the handler.




Getting a snake used to being handled can be challenging, but it is essential in developing a solid bond between you and your pet. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can help your snake feel more comfortable with being handled and reduce the risk of stress or injury.

Remember to start slowly and build up gradually, always paying attention to your snake’s body language and behavior. Use positive reinforcement techniques and be patient, as it may take some time for your snake to feel entirely at ease with being handled.

Ensuring that your snake’s enclosure is set up correctly and meets all its needs is vital. A comfortable and secure environment can go a long way in helping your snake feel safe and relaxed.

Overall, with patience, consistency, and effort, you can help your snake become a happy and well-adjusted pet that enjoys spending time with you.

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