Can Leopard Geckos Eat Hornworms? The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

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Leopard geckos are one of the most popular pet lizards. They are easy to care for and come in a variety of colors and patterns. One question that many leopard gecko owners have is whether or not they should feed their gecko’s hornworms. In this blog post, we will discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to feeding your leopard gecko hornworms!


Are hornworms good for leopard geckos?


Hornworms can be a great addition to your leopard gecko’s diet. They are an excellent source of protein and moisture, and they are also relatively easy to find and purchase. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind if you decide to feed your leopard gecko hornworms.

First, hornworms can be very high in fat. While fat is an essential part of your leopard gecko’s diet, too much fat can lead to obesity and other health problems. If you do feed your leopard gecko hornworms, be sure to offer them in moderation and monitor your gecko’s weight closely.

Second, hornworms can be addictive! Many leopard geckos become addicted to the high-fat content in hornworms and will refuse to eat anything else. If you notice your leopard gecko becoming obsessed with hornworms, it is best to cut back on their intake or switch to a different food altogether.

Third, hornworms can be a choking hazard. Their hard exoskeletons can be difficult for leopard geckos to digest, and they may end up choking on them. If you do feed your leopard gecko hornworms, be sure to chop them into small pieces or offer them as whole worms that have been softened in water first.

Overall, hornworms can be a great addition to your leopard gecko’s diet–but only if they are offered in moderation. Be sure to keep an eye on your gecko’s weight and watch for any signs of addiction or choking. With a little bit of caution, hornworms can be a healthy and nutritious part of your leopard gecko’s diet!


What is a hornworm?


Hornworms are the larval stage of a moth known as the Sphinx Moth. They are typically light green or brown in color, and they can grow to be up to four inches long! Hornworms are a popular food source for many different types of animals, including leopard geckos.


Where can I buy Hornworms?


Hornworms can be found at most pet stores that carry live food. They are usually sold in small containers or cups, and they can be a little bit expensive. However, hornworms are worth the price because they are such a healthy and nutritious food source for leopard geckos!

If you cannot find hornworms at your local pet store, you may be able to order them online. There are several different websites that sell live hornworms, and they typically ship them within a few days of placing your order. Just be sure to read the shipping information carefully so that you know how long it will take for your worms to arrive.


Can I breed Hornworms?


Yes, you can breed hornworms! However, it is important to note that breeding hornworms are not for the faint of heart. It takes a lot of time, effort, and patience to successfully breed these creatures. If you are interested in breeding hornworms, we recommend doing some research online or speaking with an experienced breeder before getting started.


5 other insects to feed Leopard Geckos


While hornworms can be a great addition to your leopard gecko’s diet, they are not the only insect you can feed them. Here are five other insects that make great leopard gecko food:

Mealworms – Mealworms are a good source of protein and fat, and they are also very easy to find and purchase.

Crickets – Crickets are a good source of protein and moisture, and they are also relatively cheap.

Waxworms – Waxworms are an excellent source of fat, and they are also very easy to care for. However, waxworms should be offered in moderation because they can be addictive.

Butterflies – Butterflies make a great occasional treat for leopard geckos. They are very high in protein and moisture, but they can be difficult to find and purchase.

Locusts – Locusts are an excellent source of protein and fat, and they are also very easy to care for. However, like waxworms, locusts should be offered in moderation because they can be addictive.

Overall, there are many different types of insects that make great leopard gecko food. Hornworms are just one option–so be sure to do some research and explore all of the different possibilities! Thanks for reading! we hope this has helped you learn a little bit more about hornworms and whether or not they would make a good addition to your leopard gecko’s diet.


Does a Leopard Gecko need supplements?


Leopard geckos do not typically need supplements, but there are a few exceptions. If you are feeding your leopard gecko a diet that is high in protein, fat, or moisture, then you may need to supplement their diet with calcium and/or vitamin D. Additionally, if your leopard gecko is pregnant or nursing, she will also need supplemental nutrients.

If you think that your leopard gecko may benefit from supplementation, we recommend consulting with an experienced reptile veterinarian before making any changes to their diet.


What vegetables are beneficial for Leopard Geckos?


While most leopard geckos will not eat vegetables on their own, there are a few that can be beneficial to their diet. Dark, leafy greens like collards and kale are a good source of vitamins and minerals, and they can also help add some variety to your leopard gecko’s diet. Other vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash can also be offered occasionally. Just be sure to chop them into small pieces so that your leopard gecko can easily eat them.

Overall, vegetables should only make up a small part of your leopard gecko’s diet. However, they can be a great way to add some extra nutrients and variety.




Hornworms can be a great addition to your leopard gecko’s diet, but they are not the only insect you can feed them. There are many different types of insects that make great leopard gecko food, so be sure to explore all of your options.

Additionally, leopard geckos do not typically need supplements, but there are a few exceptions. And finally, while most leopard geckos will not eat vegetables on their own, there are some that can be beneficial to their diet. Thanks for reading! we hope this has helped you learn a little bit more about hornworms and whether or not they would make a good addition to your leopard gecko’s diet.




Q: What is a hornworm?

A: Hornworms are a type of caterpillar that can be found in the United States. They are typically green or brown, and they have a longhorn on their head.

Q: Do hornworms make good food for leopard geckos?

A: Yes, hornworms can make a great addition to your leopard gecko’s diet. They are high in protein and fat, and they are also very easy to care for.

Q: Do I need to supplement my leopard gecko’s diet with calcium or vitamin D if I feed them hornworms?

A: No, you do not typically need to supplement your leopard gecko’s diet with calcium or vitamin D if you are feeding them hornworms. However, there are a few exceptions. If you are feeding your leopard gecko a diet that is high in protein, fat, or moisture, then you may need to supplement their diet with calcium and/or vitamin D. Additionally, if your leopard gecko is pregnant or nursing, she will also need supplemental nutrients.

Q: Can I feed my leopard gecko vegetables?

A: While most leopard geckos will not eat vegetables on their own, there are a few that can be beneficial to their diet. Dark, leafy greens like collards and kale are a good source of vitamins and minerals, and they can also help add some variety to your leopard gecko’s diet. Other vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash can also be offered occasionally. Just be sure to chop them into small pieces so that your leopard gecko can easily eat them.

Q: What else can I feed my leopard gecko?

A: There are many different types of insects that make great leopard gecko food, so be sure to explore all of your options. Some other popular choices include crickets, mealworms, and Dubia roaches. You can also offer your leopard gecko a variety of different fruits and vegetables. Just be sure to chop them into small pieces so that they can easily eat them.

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