How often do African fat-tailed geckos shed? And The Shedding Process

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Do you have an African fat-tailed gecko as a pet? If so, you may be wondering how often they shed their skin. In this blog post, we will answer that question and provide some tips on how to make the process as smooth as possible for your gecko.


What is the average lifespan of an African fat-tailed gecko and how often do they shed their skin?


African fat-tailed geckos are relatively long-lived reptiles, with an average lifespan of 10-15 years in captivity.

These geckos are also unique in that they have the ability to store nutrients in their tail, which can help them survive periods of food scarcity.

In the wild, shedding is a vital process for African fat-tailed geckos, as it helps them to avoid predators and to escape from parasites.

These geckos will typically shed their skin every 4-6 weeks, but this frequency can vary depending on the availability of food and water.

With proper care, African fat-tailed geckos can make rewarding pets that will provide years of enjoyment.


What are some common signs that your gecko is shedding its skin, and what should you do if you see them shedding?


You may notice your gecko acting restless or less active than usual when it is about to shed its skin.

It may also lose its appetite and stop eating. Once shedding begins, you will see patches of loose skin on your gecko.

The process usually takes a few days, during which time your gecko will remain hidden away. Once the shedding is complete, your gecko will emerge looking refreshed and with a new coat of skin.

If you see your gecko shedding, it is best to leave it alone and let it complete the process in peace. However, if you are concerned that the shedding is not going smoothly, you can mist the area with water to help loosen the skin.

Shedding is a natural process that all reptiles undergo, and there is no need to be alarmed if you see your gecko going through it.


How can you help make the shedding process easier for your gecko, and what are some things to avoid doing during this time period?


As any experienced reptile owner knows, shedding is a normal and necessary process for geckos.

During this time, their skin will become dry and cracked, and they may start to lose patches of scales.

While shedding can be stressful for your gecko, there are a few things you can do to help make the process go more smoothly.

  • First, make sure to provide plenty of water. A shallow dish of water can help to soften the skin and make it easier for your gecko to shed.


  • Secondly, mist the enclosure several times a day with a spray bottle of water. The extra humidity will also help to loosen the old skin.


  • Finally, avoid handling your gecko during this time period. Their skin is already delicate and prone to damage, and handling can cause further irritation.


By taking these simple steps, you can help make shedding a little less stressful for your gecko.


How long does it typically take for a gecko to completely shed its skin, and will they be able to eat and drink normally during this time period?


A gecko typically takes anywhere from two to four weeks to complete a full skin shed. During this time, the gecko will likely not eat or drink as much as usual.

This is because the process of shedding can be taxing on the gecko’s body and may cause it to feel weak or lethargic.

However, once the shed is complete, the gecko will regain its normal appetite and energy levels. If a gecko is having difficulty shedding its skin, it may be necessary to provide extra humidity to assist in the shedding process.


Are there any other things that you should know about African fat-tailed geckos when it comes to shedding their skin?


African fat-tailed geckos are known for their ability to shed their skin in a single piece.

This process, known as autotomy, helps the gecko escape from predators. In addition to losing its tail, the gecko will also lose a layer of skin from its body.

The new skin underneath is typically lighter in color than the old skin, giving the gecko a two-toned appearance.

African fat-tailed geckos will shed their skin every four to six weeks, and the process usually takes place at night.

After shedding its skin, the gecko will need to eat more regularly in order to replenish its nutrients. In addition,

African fat-tailed geckos should be provided with a hiding place in order to reduce stress levels. By understanding the shedding process, you can provide better care for your African fat-tailed gecko.




African Fat-Tailed Geckos are generally very easy to care for and make great pets. They are hardy and can tolerate a wide range of temperatures and humidity levels. They are also relatively long-lived, with a lifespan of 10-15 years in captivity.

One of the most important things to know about African Fat-Tailed Geckos is that they shed their skin periodically. This process helps them to get rid of parasites and to regenerate damaged skin. Juvenile geckos shed more often than adults, typically every 2-3 weeks. Adults usually shed every 4-6 weeks, although this can vary depending on the individual.

If you notice your gecko starting to shed, it is best to leave them alone and allow them to complete the process in peace. Trying to remove the shed skin manually can damage the new skin underneath and delay the shedding process. Once the shedding is complete, your gecko will be back to its usual self in no time!

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