How Often Do African Sideneck Turtles Bask?

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Do you have an African sideneck turtle as a pet? If so, you may be wondering how often they bask. Sideneck turtles are known for their love of basking in the sun. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the basking habits of African sideneck turtles. We will also provide tips on how to create a basking area for your turtle.


African sideneck turtles typically bask every day. They enjoy the warmth of the sun and find it relaxing. During hot weather, they may bask for longer periods of time.


How long will they bask for?


Sideneck turtles will typically bask for 30 minutes to an hour. However, they may stay in the sun longer if the weather is hot.


How To create a basking area for your turtle


There are a few things you will need to create a basking area for your African sideneck turtle:

– A sturdy, flat surface such as a rock or piece of wood

– A heat source such as a lamp or heating pad

– UVB light


Here are some tips on how to set up your basking area:


– Place the flat surface in an area where it will get direct sunlight. If there is no natural sunlight available, you can use a UVB light.

– Make sure the surface is big enough for your turtle to comfortably bask on.

– Place the heat source at one end of the surface so that your turtle can move around and choose the spot that is most comfortable

If possible, place the basking area near a pond or other water source. This will give your turtle a chance to cool off when it gets too hot. Make sure to provide plenty of fresh water in a clean bowl so your turtle can drink and swim.




African sideneck turtles love to bask in the sun. They will typically bask every day for 30 minutes to an hour. To create a basking area for your turtle, you will need a sturdy, flat surface, a heat source, and a UVB light. If possible, place the basking area near a pond or other water source.




Question: How often do African sideneck turtles bask?

Answer: Sideneck turtles typically bask every day.


Question: How long will they bask for?

Answer: They will typically bask for 30 minutes to an hour, but may stay in the sun longer if it is hot outside.


Question: What do I need to create a basking area for my turtle?

Answer: In addition to a sturdy, flat surface and a heat source, you will need a UVB light. If possible, place the basking area near a pond or other water source.


Question: How can I tell if my turtle is too hot?

Answer: If your turtle is panting or has its mouth open, it is too hot. You can also check the temperature of the basking area with a thermometer. It should be around 85-90 degrees Fahrenheit.

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