How to Escape a Crocodile Attack. Here’s How

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While most people will never have to worry about being attacked by a crocodile, it’s still good to know what to do if you ever find yourself in that unfortunate situation. Crocodiles are large, aggressive predators weighing up to 2,000 pounds and measuring over 20 feet in length. In other words, they’re not an animal you want to mess with!


How would you escape a saltwater crocodile?


If you find yourself face-to-face with a saltwater crocodile, the best thing to do is to remain calm. These animals are attracted to movement, so it’s important to stay still and avoid making any sudden movements.

If you’re in the water, try to swim slowly and steadily towards the shore. Crocodiles are less agile in the water than on land, so you may be able to outswim them.

However, it’s important to remember that they can still move quickly in short bursts, so don’t allow them to catch up to you.

If you’re on land, your best bet is to try to make yourself as small as possible. Crouch down and make yourself as unappealing a target as possible.

Then, slowly back away from the crocodile while keeping your eyes on it. If it does attack, fight back and aim for its eyes or nostrils. This will hopefully discourage it from attacking again. With any luck, you’ll be able to escape and reach safety.

Points to Remember


If you find yourself being attacked by a crocodile, the first thing you need to do is try to calm down and think clearly.

It may be difficult, but it’s important to remember that crocodiles are fearful of humans and usually only attack if they feel threatened.

The best way to escape is to use your legs and arms to slowly and methodically back away from the animal while keeping your eyes on it. If you turn your back or run away, the crocodile will see you as easy prey and almost certainly attack.


Last Point


Another thing to remember is that crocodiles are extremely fast on land and in water, so don’t waste time trying to outrun them.

Instead, focus on using your legs and arms to create as much distance between you and the animal as possible. Once you’re out of the water and on land, the crocodile will have a more challenging time catching up to you.

If you can make it to a safe place like a car or building, do so immediately. Otherwise, keep moving away from the crocodile until it loses interest and swims away.




While Crocodiles may look sluggish on land, they’re incredibly fast and dangerous animals. If you find yourself being attacked by one, stay calm and use your legs and arms to slowly back away while keeping your eyes on the crocodile. Once you’re out of the water and on land, the crocodile will have a more challenging time catching up to you, so make your way to a safe place as quickly as possible.

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