Should You Use Lizards as Bait?

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If you’re a pet lizard owner, you may have heard about people using lizards as bait for fishing. But is this even safe for your pet lizard? This blog post will examine the pros and cons of using lizards as bait. Read on to find out if it’s a good idea or not.


Can you use lizards as bait?


Using lizards as bait is a viable option, provided the type of fishing you wish to do is compatible.

Lizards are often found in freshwater rather than saltwater, so that they would be most suitable for target species like bass and panfish in these habitats.

Because lizards have an abundant food source in these areas, they can live with minimal disturbance and still provide the fisherman with effective bait.

However, because some lizards secrete toxins for defense, anglers should take extra caution when handling them and wash their hands afterward.

Additionally, cutting off their tails is not recommended as it can cause them stress, weaken their digestive system and even kill them in some cases.


The Pros of Using Lizards as Bait


There are some potential advantages to using lizards as bait.

  • They don’t require special preparation or handling before use, so they can be pretty convenient when fishing.


  • Also, since they move relatively slowly and aren’t too large, many fish will be attracted to them for that reason alone.


  • Finally, depending on the type of lizard you use, it can help improve your chances of catching certain types of fish.

For example, some species of lizards produce vibrations in the water, attracting predatory fish like bass.


The Cons of Using Lizards as Bait


On the other hand, there are some potential drawbacks to using lizards as bait.

  • For one thing, if you catch a larger fish with your lizard-bait combination, the lizard might get hurt or killed in the process.


  • Additionally, using live animals as bait can also be seen as unethical by some people—even if it is an animal that isn’t commonly kept as a pet.


  • Finally, it can also be more expensive than other types of bait since many species of lizards need to be purchased from pet stores or online retailers and may not be readily available in your local area (or even legally).


Which fish will bite when using a lizard as bait?


When choosing bait for fishing, lizards can be an unexpected but effective tool.

Using a lizard as a lure will likely draw larger predatory fish such as bass and pike.

That’s because their diet consists of small reptiles, crustaceans, and small mammals – so the scent of a lizard in the water often triggers aggressive feeding behavior.

Lizards also have reasonable success rates for catfish, which often bite the bait since they are opportunistic feeders.

If you choose to use lizards as bait when fishing, make sure you take care not to harm wildlife–protect nature and wait until you find a dead or injured lizard to use as your bait.


Is it considered immoral to use lizards as bait?


Using lizards as bait for fishing has become a widespread practice in some areas, but many people believe it is an unethical way to catch fish.

It challenges the idea of a humane animal treatment since the lizards are often caught inhumanely, placed in a confined space without food or water, and left to suffer until they die.

This form of animal cruelty is alarming when lizards’ use for bait does not even increase an angler’s catch rate – research has found that artificial lures are just as effective as live lizards.

Despite this, some anglers pursue this method due to their passionate beliefs and convenience.

Ultimately, any individual choosing to use live lizards as part of their fishing practice should weigh the ethical considerations carefully before deciding whether or not it is the best decision.




Using lizards as bait has advantages and disadvantages, depending on your situation and preferences. If you decide to use them for fishing, take all necessary precautions to ensure that the lizard and any fish caught with it remain safe throughout the process.

Otherwise, consider alternatives like artificial baits that may provide better results without sacrificing ethical considerations or safety concerns.

Ultimately, only you can decide whether using lizards is suitable for your particular situation—but hopefully, this article has shed some light on what factors should be considered before making that decision.

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