Water Bowls for Tokay Geckos – Do They Need One?

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As a proud owner of a tokay gecko, you may be wondering if you need to provide a water bowl for your pet. After all, these lizards come from hot, arid environments and they don’t seem to drink much water in the wild. So, do they really need a water bowl? Let’s find out.


The answer may surprise you but, no.


Tokay geckos do not need a water bowl. In fact, providing one can actually be harmful to your pet.

These lizards absorb water through their skin and they get all the moisture they need from the food they eat. If you were to put a water bowl in their enclosure, there’s a good chance they would drink from it and become bloated. This can lead to health problems like intestinal blockages.

Of course, if you want to provide a water bowl for your tokay gecko for aesthetic reasons, that’s perfectly fine.

Just be sure to remove it before it gets dirty or moldy. A clean water bowl is important for the overall health of your lizard’s enclosure.




So there you have it! Tokay geckos do not need a water bowl and, in fact, it’s better if you don’t provide one. These lizards get all the moisture they need from the food they eat and they absorb water through their skin. If you do decide to put a water bowl in their enclosure, just be sure to remove it before it gets dirty or moldy. Thanks for reading!

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