What Do Bearded Dragons See? How Good Is Their Eyesight?

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Bearded dragons are popular pets, and many people are curious about their eyesight. Do they see well? What do they see? In this blog post, we will answer those questions and more!


Do bearded dragons have good eyesight?


Yes, bearded dragons have good eyesight. They can see colors and movement very well. This is important for them because they are predators and need to be able to spot prey from a distance. They also have very good night vision. This is helpful for them because they are nocturnal animals and do most of their hunting at night.


What do bearded dragons see?


Bearded dragons see the world in color! They can see blues, greens, and yellows very clearly. Reds and oranges are also visible to them, but they may not be as bright as other colors. Bearded dragons can also see movement very well, which helps them hunt prey.


Do bearded dragons have good depth perception?


Yes, bearded dragons have good depth perception. This means they can judge how far away objects are from them and determine how large or small they are. This is important for them because it helps them hunt prey and avoid danger.


Are bearded dragons colorblind?


No, bearded dragons are not colorblind. They can see all colors except for red. Red is difficult for many animals to see because it does not stand out very much against green foliage. Bearded dragons use their sense of smell to find food that is hidden under leaves, so they do not need to be able to see red well.


Do bearded dragons have bad eyesight?


No, bearded dragons do not have bad eyesight. In fact, their eyesight is quite good! They just don’t have perfect vision as we do. Their eyes are sensitive to light and movement.


Are there any things that bearded dragons cannot see?


There are a few things that bearded dragons cannot see. Black and white objects are difficult for them to distinguish, so they may not be able to see contrast very well. Bearded dragons also cannot see in complete darkness, so they rely on their sense of smell and hearing in those situations.


Do bearded dragons need light at night?


No, bearded dragons do not need light at night. In fact, it is actually better for them if it is dark because that is when they are most active. However, if you want to provide a night light for your bearded dragon, you can use a red bulb because they cannot see the color red.


Do bearded dragons have eyelids?


Yes, bearded dragons have eyelids. However, they do not blink as we do. Instead, they lick their eyeballs to keep them clean.


Do bearded dragons need glasses?


No, bearded dragons do not need glasses! Their eyesight is perfectly fine without them. However, if your bearded dragon has a problem with his or her eyesight, you should take him or her to the vet for examination.


Eye Problems


Bearded Dragon Eye problems are not common but can happen. If you think your bearded dragon is having trouble seeing, take him or her to the vet for an examination.




In conclusion, bearded dragons have good eyesight. They can see colors and movement very well, and they have good depth perception. However, there are a few things that they cannot see, such as black and white objects or in complete darkness. If you think your bearded dragon is having trouble seeing, take him or her to the vet for an examination. Thanks for reading! I hope this answered your questions about what do bearded dragons see and how good is their eyesight!


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