What Fruit & Veg Can Western Fence Lizards Eat?

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Western fence lizards are one of the most common reptiles in the United States and make great pets. As a lizard pet owner, you want to ensure your pet gets all the nutrition it needs for a long and healthy life. One of the questions many lizard pet owners have is whether or not western fence lizards can eat fruit & Veg. Let’s explore this question further.


Can Western Fence Lizards Eat Fruit & Veg?


Western fence lizards are insectivores, meaning their diet primarily consists of insects.

Eating fruit and Veg would provide them with nutrients not found in their usual diet, but this isn’t necessary.

It can cause digestive problems if the lizard isn’t used to consuming plant matter.

Therefore, while it’s possible and even beneficial for them to have a varied diet which includes a bit of fruit or Veg now and then, it shouldn’t be the main component of their diet.


What Kind of Fruit Should I Feed My Western Fence Lizard?


When choosing fruits for your western fence lizard, there are a few key things to remember.

  • First, choose fruits high in vitamin C, such as oranges and lemons, as this is an essential nutrient for lizards.


  • Additionally, select fruits low in sugar and fat, such as apples and pears, so your pet does not become overweight from eating too many sugary treats.


  • Finally, make sure to cut up any fruit into small chunks so it is easy for your lizard to eat them without choking or getting sick from large pieces of food like grapes or strawberries.

What Fruit & Veg can western fence lizards eat?


1. Western fence lizards are omnivorous creatures capable of consuming a variety of plant and insect matter.

As far as fruit is concerned, these lizards can make a feast of several different kinds.

Apples, apricots, blueberries, cantaloupe, grapes, oranges, peaches, strawberries, and watermelons are all commonly found in the wild or available from pet stores to provide balanced nutrition for these adorable reptiles.

Pet owners should remember that fruit consumption should be limited due to their high sugar content: small bits can still serve as a reward during taming sessions while ensuring that they get what they need nutritionally without being overwhelmed by too much sugar.


2. Western fence lizards are omnivorous creatures with a special diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables.

In addition to eating an assortment of insects, these scaly reptiles can enjoy fruits such as apples, bananas, blueberries, grapes, and oranges.

They may supplement their diet with vegetables, including broccoli, carrots, celery, corn, cucumbers, green beans, peas, squash, and tomatoes.

It’s essential when feeding these creatures to ensure the food is presented in tiny pieces so that consumption is easy for the lizard.

Additionally, it is beneficial to provide the food on flat surfaces for optimal ingestion.

As with many other reptiles in captivity, western fence lizards require supplementation to receive all essential nutrients.

However, supplementing should be done sparingly due to the potential health effects of overconsumption.


3. Careful consideration should be when sourcing protein for western fence lizards.

Crickets, mealworms, and waxworms make up some of the most nutritionally diverse sources you can feed your lizard.

Of these options, crickets are the most easily accessible and budget-friendly choice; however, mealworms tend to be higher in protein content, and waxworms provide a unique loading of essential fats for a balanced diet.

Whichever insect-based food source you select, it is essential to ensure that the base components are organic and free of pesticides or insecticides that could harm your reptile companion.


4. It is important to remember when considering food for western fence lizards: avocados should never be a part of their diet.

  • Avocados are not only unhealthy for these lizards, but they can be toxic as well.


  • The fats, proteins, and oils found in avocados can harm their gastrointestinal tract and cause serious digestive issues.


  • Plus, avocados contain persin, which can accumulate in the lizard’s system and lead to organ failure.

Therefore, if you plan on feeding your western fence lizard, avoiding the inclusion of avocado is essential.


5. Due to their mouth and throat size, western fence lizards should have their fruits and vegetables chopped into small pieces before being offered as part of their diet.

This helps ensure that they can properly digest their food without having issues related to improper choking or attempting to swallow pieces that are too large.

By ensuring their food is appropriately prepped, you can always be sure that your pet’s digestive health is in good shape.



6. A calcium supplement is essential for western fence lizards who receive their diets from bug sources.

When supplementing a diet with protein sources such as crickets, mealworms, and other bug species, it is important to dust them in the correct amount of calcium to avoid deficiencies.

A ratio of 2 parts calcium to 1 part phosphorus should be supplied by dusting the food sources before being fed to a western fence lizard.

It is best practice to provide every individual lizard with its own house and container for feeding so that all individuals can be managed appropriately.

Offering supplements through gut-loaded or dusted insects ensures that your lizard can benefit from proper nutrition.


7. The western fence lizard, often known as the “blue belly,” is an integral part of many North American ecosystems.

In captivity, they need access to natural sunlight or a special UVB light to absorb enough Vitamin D3; otherwise, their diet must be supplemented with the necessary nutrients.

As this species primarily lives outdoors and generally spends much of its time basking in the sun, they do not usually face the exact requirements as captive lizards, which may be unable to obtain their Vitamin D3 through natural sources.

Quality nutrition is essential for sustaining their health and should always be considered when caring for these reptiles.




In conclusion, western fence lizards can indeed eat fruit. When selecting fruits for your pet lizard, choose fresh and high in vitamin C while low in sugar and fat. Cut up any fruit into small chunks, so it is easier for your pet to consume without choking or experiencing digestive distress from large pieces of food like grapes or strawberries.

With these tips in mind, you can confidently provide tasty treats for your beloved western fence lizard.

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