What Kind of Fish do African Sideneck Turtles Eat?

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African sideneck turtles typically eat small fish, such as minnows and guppies. They may also consume aquatic insects and other invertebrates. In the wild, sideneck turtles often scavenge for food on the bottom of ponds and rivers. They are not as picky as many other turtle species and will eat just about anything that they can fit into their mouths. This makes them fairly easy to care for in captivity.


10 fish and proteins that African Sideneck Turtles eat.


1. Guppies: These small, colorful fish are a common food source for sideneck turtles in the wild. They are easy to find and inexpensive to buy, making them a popular choice for turtle owners.

2. Minnows: Another common fish that sideneck turtles eat is the minnow. These fish are also easy to find and relatively affordable.

3. Other Small Fish: Many other types of small fish can be fed to sideneck turtles, including goldfish, bluegills, and sunfish.

4. Insects: Sideneck turtles will also eat aquatic insects, such as dragonflies and mayflies.

5. Worms: Earthworms are a favorite food of sideneck turtles and can be found at most pet stores.

6. Crustaceans: Sideneck turtles will also eat small crustaceans, such as shrimp and crayfish.

7. Frogs: Some sideneck turtles will eat small frogs, although this is not a common occurrence.

8. Tadpoles: Tadpoles are a popular food choice for sideneck turtles, especially when they are young.

9. Reptiles: Some owners have reported that their sideneck turtles have eaten other reptiles, such as lizards and snakes.

10. Birds: In rare cases, sideneck turtles have been known to eat small birds.


Can fish be kept in the same tank as a turtle?


Many people choose to keep fish in the same tank as their sideneck turtle. However, it is important to remember that turtles are predatory animals and will eat any fish they can catch. Therefore, it is important to select fish that are fast enough to outswim the turtle. Some good choices include guppies, minnows, and goldfish. It is also a good idea to have more than one fish in the tank in order to reduce the chances of the turtle catching them all.


Do Turtles need fish as part of a healthy diet?


No, turtles do not need fish as part of a healthy diet. In fact, many turtle owners choose to not feed their turtles any fish at all. If a turtle is kept on a balanced diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, it will get all the nutrients it needs. However, if a turtle is fed mostly or exclusively fish, its diet may be lacking in important vitamins and minerals. This can lead to health problems down the road.




Sideneck turtles are carnivores and will eat just about anything that they can fit into their mouths. Their diet typically consists of small fish, aquatic insects, and other invertebrates. While fish can be a part of their diet, it is not necessary for their health. Owners should focus on providing a balanced diet of fresh fruits and vegetables in order to keep their turtles healthy.




Q: What kind of fish do African sideneck turtles eat?

A: Sideneck turtles typically eat small fish, such as minnows and guppies. They may also consume aquatic insects and other invertebrates. In the wild, sideneck turtles often scavenge for food on the bottom of ponds and rivers.


Q: Can fish be kept in the same tank as a turtle?

A: Many people choose to keep fish in the same tank as their sideneck turtle. However, it is important to remember that turtles are predatory animals and will eat any fish they can catch. Therefore, it is important to select fish that are fast enough to outswim the turtle.


Q: Do Turtles need fish as part of a healthy diet?

A: No, turtles do not need fish as part of a healthy diet. In fact, many turtle owners choose to not feed their turtles any fish at all. If a turtle is kept on a balanced diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, it will get all the nutrients it needs. However, if a turtle is fed mostly or exclusively fish, its diet may be lacking in important vitamins and minerals. This can lead to health problems down the road.

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