What lizards can live with tree frogs?

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A lot of people assume that lizards and tree frogs are natural enemies. However, there are a few things that these two animals have in common. Some species of lizards and tree frogs can coexist peacefully together. So let’s look at what makes them compatible and which species of lizards and tree frogs are best suited for living together in harmony.


What lizards can live with tree frogs?


Certain lizards make great companions for tree frogs and create interesting tankmates.

Bearded Dragons, Green Iguanas, Green Anoles, and Leopard Geckos are all lizards that thrive in the same environment as tree frogs.

When selecting a lizard species to inhabit a vivarium with a frog, it is essential to consider both species’ size and dietary needs.

Many lizards require large amounts of vegetation and happily feast on small insects alongside a mate who may consume more oversized prey items.

By researching their natural habitats, diet preferences, and minimum tank size requirements, finding a lizard species compatible with cohabitation with a tree frog should be pretty straightforward.


Five popular lizards that can live with tree frogs (More Below)


1. Bearded dragons


Bearded dragons make a popular pet and are often seen living with tree frogs due to their similar environmental needs.

Bearded dragons prefer temperatures around 80-90°F, allowing them to maintain an ideal balance of activity level and appetite when properly warm.

Additionally, they require ample basking areas and lots of hiding places. Both bearded dragons and tree frogs enjoy moderate humidity, so keeping the tank well-hydrated can suffice for both species.

While beardies aren’t a great choice if you’re looking for an interactive pet, their calm nature, when handled correctly, allows for peaceful cohabitation with other species if introduced correctly.

Thus, bearded dragons make excellent roommates for tree frogs wanting to live in harmony.


2. Blue-tongued skinks


Many people are unaware of the various reptiles and amphibians that can cohabitate together in a peaceful and safe environment.

Surprisingly, some lizards and tree frogs can exist in the same enclosure. The most ideal of these species is the blue-tongued skink, which is easily tamed and lives peacefully with frogs.

This species is also relatively small, making it easy to house them.

Additionally, the skinks have skin instead of scales like other lizards, providing extra grip when walking around their terrariums. All factors considered, blue-tongued skinks are excellent companions for tree frogs.


3. Leopard geckos


Leopard geckos are an excellent species to house alongside tree frogs.

These reptilian companions can be kept in the same spacious enclosure, providing a hot and cool side to accommodate both temperature requirements.

Leopard geckos spend most of their time at the warm end of the habitat, while the frog typically seeks out more relaxed surroundings with plenty of height for climbing and hiding. The two species have different diets that can easily be managed by providing specialty feeds for each.

If housing multiple leopard geckos together, every male should have at least two females to prevent potential aggression from dominant males. However, with proper setup and attention to nutrition, these two unique creatures make great captivating roommates.


4. Red-eyed crocodile skinks


Red-eyed crocodile skinks are a great species of lizard to house with tree frogs. They make a great combination due to their size and activity levels; red-eyed crocodile skinks tend to stay relatively small, with some adults reaching a maximum length of only five to six inches.

In the wild, members of this species can often be seen jumping from close branches or other surfaces when they hear potential predators nearby, making them an exciting companion animal in captivity.

Not only do they provide ample entertainment and interest to any enclosure, but they also require generally low maintenance care compared to larger reptilian species.

As long as there is enough space for both animals, keeping a compact and dynamic ecosystem featuring these two creatures is easily attained.


5. Veiled Chameleons


Veiled chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratus) are an ideal species of lizard to house with tree frogs, as they have similar environmental and dietary requirements.

With both species requiring a terrarium-style enclosure, plenty of foliage for climbing and hiding, and supplemental lighting and ample humidity, the two can coexist happily.

It is important to note that even though veiled chameleons are arboreal, meaning they climb trees in their natural environment, the veiled chameleon’s body structure doesn’t lend itself well to leaping from perch to perch like a tree frog.

Thus providing more platforms or items that allow easier climbing may make the veiled chameleon more comfortable. In terms of diet, offer both species-appropriate diet staples for their respective species – crickets for the veiled chameleon and various worms for larger tree frog species.


Habitat Requirements


Lizards and tree frogs require the same type of environment to thrive. Both species require warm temperatures, high humidity levels, and plenty of hiding places.

It’s essential to provide your pets with an environment that mimics their natural habitat as closely as possible so they can both be happy and healthy.

If you’re unsure about setting up the perfect terrarium for your pet lizard or frog, it’s best to consult an expert specializing in reptile care.


Diet Requirements


Surprisingly enough, lizards and tree frogs also have similar dietary requirements. Both species primarily eat insects such as crickets, mealworms, waxworms, fruit flies, etc., although some species may also include fruits or vegetables. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that both the lizard and frog get the proper nutrition from their diets to stay healthy.


Compatible Species


Not all lizards and tree frogs can live together peacefully; some species may be aggressive toward each other or cannot tolerate one another’s presence in the same habitat.

The most popular choices for keeping lizards and tree frogs together include green iguanas (Iguana iguana), Mediterranean house geckos (Hemidactylus turcicus), eastern newts (Notophthalmus viridescens), American chameleons (Anolis carolinensis), whites treefrogs (Litoria caerulea), red-eyed crocodile skinks (Tribolonotus gracilis), barking geckos (Ptenopus garrulus), crested geckos (Correlophus ciliates), fire-bellied toads (Bombina bombina ), green anoles (Anolis carolinensis).

When selecting pets for your terrarium, remember that not all reptiles get along with each other, even if they share similar environmental needs, so research any potential pairings before bringing them home.




While it may seem unlikely at first glance, some species of lizards and tree frogs can live harmoniously together provided they share similar environmental needs such as temperature, humidity levels, diet requirements, etc. Selecting compatible reptile companions is essential to ensure a safe & healthy environment for all terrarium inhabitants.

It is always best to consult an expert if you have questions about housing multiple reptiles in one enclosure. However, with the proper setup & careful research, you can enjoy watching your reptile friends coexist peacefully for years.

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