What To Feed A Red Eyed Tree Frog. Essential Foods

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Amphibian lovers are finding it easy to keep red-eyed tree frogs as pets. Not only are they beautiful with bright colors, but they are also easy to care for. In this article, I will discuss what to feed a red-eyed tree frog.


What to feed a red-eyed tree frog


This is the main list here. What do red-eyed tree frogs eat? Well, they will eat just about anything that moves. However, these are some of their most preferred delicacies: 

  • Locusts and grasshoppers
  • Black/brown crickets
  • Dubai roaches

Occasionally, you can mix this up with worms such as: 

  • Mealworms 
  • Waxworms 
  • Calciworms

When feeding your frog, use waxworms sparingly, as they have high-fat content. 

Younger frogs, smaller than 3 inches long, must be fed daily. As your frog ages, you will notice that they do not provide daily. A mature red-eyed tree frog will feed 2-3 times a week. 

There are various supplements safe for red-eyed frogs. These will add calcium, vitamins, and minerals to your pet. 

Your frog’s prey is best if it is gut-loaded. It is merely feeding the target with nutrients that your frog will absorb from providing it. 

Do not forget to get a water bowl with clean drinking water. However, you will need to clean the water bowl every day. Your red-eyed pal is likely to ease himself into the water bowl. 


Beginner tips for keeping a red-eyed tree frog


Do you love amphibians? A red-eyed tree frog is one of the most owned amphibian pets after lizards and geckos. And since a frog is a delicate pet, I will outline a few beginner tips. Later on, we shall dive into what to feed your red-eyed tree frog.

When considering getting a red-eyed tree frog, consider the following

  • Housing
  • Heating
  • Lighting
  • Food



Where do red-eyed tree frogs live in your home? They prefer to live in moist areas. After all, they originate from rainforests. It would help if you had a tank with enough room for your gorgeous pet. A single frog may need a 10-gallon tank.

At the same time, your red-eyed frog might jump out. Therefore, the top of the tank must be escape-proof. Red-eyed tree frogs also need plenty of ventilation. A latched space on the top of the tank will provide enough air circulation.




Your red-eyed frog will require an air temperature of at least 75°F. So get a heat mat on the side of his tank. Otherwise, a basking bulb will also provide much-needed heating.

The temperature in the tank should not exceed 75°F. 




Did you know that red-eyed tree frogs are nocturnal? They will, however, need some illumination. This will help your pet learn what time of the day it is. Therefore, providing a low-wattage UV bulb in the tank during the day is vital. 


Caring for your red-eyed tree frog


As with every other pet, you must care for your red-eyed frog once you bring it home. Besides providing the basics, you will feed, clean the terrarium, and take him to the vet’s office. Below is a guide on how to care for your red-eyed tree frog:


Feeding your red-eyed frog


Above, I have already described some delicacies your new pet might enjoy. Its food must be of high protein content. You will find gut-loaded insects in the pet store. 

Feeding your red-eyed frog should not be too costly. After all, they will feed at least once a day until they mature. A mature red-eyed tree frog will feed 2-3 times a week. You must provide clean water every day. 

My red-eyed tree frog won’t always eat mealworms and waxworms. So I tried offering him some when I ran out of crickets, but he wouldn’t touch them. Eventually, I ordered a can of crickets, and he readily ate them. 

Red-eyed frogs will not consume more than three crickets at a go. If your frog refuses to eat mealworms or waxworms, brown or black crickets also make an excellent meal for them.


How often do I need to clean the terrarium?


The terrarium will be your red-eyed tree frog’s home. Therefore, it needs to resemble their natural habitats. For instance, you should include logs, branches, and plants. These can be live or fake plants. 

The terrarium must also be humid. Therefore, you do not need to clean the terrarium every week. However, if you are worried that the tank is dirty, it is time to clean it. 

Remove all the pieces of food and debris from the tank. Next, remove all the fake plants and use warm water to scrub the tank. It would help if you also cleaned these fake plants and logs. Once dry, put the terrarium back together and refill the water dish. 


Can I pet my red-eyed tree frog?


I am sure that you love your new pet already. However, red-eyed tree frogs are stressful for pets. They also do not enjoy physical handling. Therefore, it is best to observe your pet from the tank. After all, watching him hop around, displaying his beautiful bright colors, is relaxing.

Besides, handling a red-eyed tree frog is likely going to injure him. They can also get sick from physical handling. But, again, it is because their skin is permeable skin, which might absorb whatever germs or chemicals are on your hands.


How long do red-eyed tree frogs live?


Good news! If you purchase a juvenile red-eyed tree frog, you have so much time with him. These frogs can live up to 5 years! However, this is only possible when you care for your frog efficiently.

Have you recently brought a red-eyed tree frog home? Or are you looking to get one for a pet? I hope this guide gets you started caring for your new reptile friend. I am confident that you now know what to feed a red-eyed tree frog.


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