What to Feed Smooth Newts: The Definitive Guide

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What do Smooth Newts eat? This is a question that many newt owners have. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide to what Smooth Newts eat and provide some tips on how to create the perfect diet for your newts.




Smooth newts are a common sight in many gardens and ponds, and they make popular pets. As omnivores, smooth newts will eat a wide variety of food, including insects, small invertebrates, and even fish.

While live food is always best, smooth newts will also accept freeze-dried and frozen foods. When choosing a food for your smooth newt, it is important to select one that is high in protein and calcium. crickets, earthworms, and bloodworms make good choices.

You should also offer your smooth newt a variety of vegetables such as chopped kale, spinach, or sweet potato. By providing a varied diet, you can ensure that your smooth newt remains healthy and active.


What do Smooth Newts eat in the wild?


Smooth Newts are small, semi-aquatic creatures that are native to Europe and Asia. In the wild, they can be found near ponds, streams, and other bodies of water. Smooth Newts are carnivores, and their diet consists primarily of invertebrates such as worms, insects, and snails.

They will also occasionally eat small fish or amphibians. During the winter months, Smooth Newts enter a state of dormancy known as estivation. During this time, they will burrow into the ground and live off of their stored fat reserves.

When spring arrives, they will wake up and begin hunting for food again.


What should you feed your Smooth Newt in captivity?


Smooth Newts are a type of salamander that is native to Europe and Asia. In captivity, they can live for up to 10 years if properly cared for. One of the most important aspects of caring for a Smooth Newt is providing them with a diet that meets their nutritional needs.

One type of food that Smooth Newts enjoy is small insects, such as crickets or mealworms.

These should be offered live or freshly dead, as Freeze-dried or canned insects may not have the same nutritional value.

Another option is to offer them small pieces of fish or shrimp. Once again, these should be fresh or frozen, as canned fish or shrimp can often be lacking in nutrients.

If you choose to feed your Smooth Newt live food, it is important to ensure that the insects are not poisonous and that they have not been treated with insecticides. Overall, a varied diet of small insects and seafood will provide your Smooth Newt with the nutrients they need to stay healthy in captivity.


How often should a Smooth Newt be fed?


A Smooth Newt should be fed every day, and it is best to provide a variety of foods to ensure that the Newt receives all the nutrients it needs. In the wild, Smooth Newts eat a diet of small insects, worms, and other invertebrates.

In captivity, they can be fed a variety of live foods, including crickets, Mealworms, and earthworms. It is also important to provide a source of calcium, such as cuttlebone or mineral supplements. Smooth Newts should be offered food items that are no larger than half their body length. If you are unsure how much to feed your Newt, ask your veterinarian for guidance.


Tips for creating the perfect diet for your Smooth Newt.


As any herpetologist will tell you, Smooth Newts are a versatile and adaptable species of salamander. In the wild, they can be found anywhere from damp forest floors to arid mountain slopes. This flexibility extends to their diet as well, and Smooth Newts will readily eat a variety of small insects, worms, and even other amphibians.

However, when kept in captivity, it is important to provide them with a diet that meets their specific needs. Here are some tips for creating the perfect diet for your Smooth Newt.


  • First, consider the natural habitat of the Smooth Newt. If you live in an area where they are native, try to mimic their natural diet as closely as possible. This means feeding them primarily small insects and larvae, along with the occasional earthworm or piece of carrion. If you live in an area where Smooth Newts are not native, don’t worry – they will still do just fine on a diet of commercially available reptile food pellets. Just be sure to supplement these pellets with occasional live meals to keep them healthy and happy.


  • Second, remember that Variety is the spice of life – for Smooth Newts, at least. While they can subsist on a diet of pellets and the occasional live food, they will do much better if offered a variety of different foods. This not only helps to keep them healthy but also provides them with the mental stimulation they need to stay happy in captivity.


  • Finally, don’t forget about calcium. Smooth Newts need a source of calcium to help them build strong bones and

Common problems with feeding Smooth Newts and how to avoid them.


Smooth newts are a popular pet, but they can be difficult to care for. One of the most common problems is feeding them. Smooth newts are carnivorous and need live food, such as small insects or worms. However, they are also very shy and easily scared, so feeding them can be a challenge.

If you’re not careful, they can easily starve to death. There are a few things you can do to avoid this problem. First, make sure to offer them enough food. Second, try to feed them in a quiet place where they feel safe. Third, be patient; it may take them a little while to get used to being fed.

With a little effort, you can successfully keep your smooth newt healthy and well-fed.



In conclusion, what to feed Smooth Newts really depends on their stage in life. While adults can be fed a variety of insects, larvae need to be carefully monitored to ensure they are getting enough food. In general, it is best to err on the side of caution and provide a variety of food sources to ensure that your Smooth Newt is getting the nutrients they need. If you have any concerns, consult with a qualified reptile veterinarian for guidance.

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