Where to Find Lizards-Free Zones Around the World

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Are you looking for a lizard-free zone? If so, look no further. In this blog post, we’ll be exploring some countries worldwide that do not have lizards. We’ll also discuss why certain countries are lizard-free and what other animals may inhabit these regions. Let’s dive in.


Six Areas that do not have lizards?


1. Europe


When it comes to geographical areas that lack lizards, Europe stands out as a primary example.

While other continents like Africa, Australia, and North America have thriving lizard populations, most of Europe lacks resident lizards.

This is due to several factors, such as the climatic conditions and geography in many parts of the region.

Additionally, human action may play a part in this phenomenon; intense habitat destruction across much of Europe has caused an overall decline in herpetofauna, including lizards.

Despite this lack of species diversity, specific countries, such as Italy, are known for having endemic lizard species which thrive within these boundaries.


2. Antarctica


Antarctica is one of the few areas of the world that does not have native lizard populations.

Unlike other continents, Antarctica has a highly hostile environment for most animals and reptiles to survive in due to its large temperatures that can reach below -100 degrees Celsius.

It also only has about 2.5 months of sunshine during the summer, meaning that any lizards or other small reptiles would be unable to survive over winter if they were to move there.

Even if conditions improved enough for a small population of lizards to exist, there are no paths leading down from South America or other nearby continents, making it impossible for the species to migrate naturally.

Antarctica is an inhospitable region for lizards and other reptiles due to its extreme climate and lack of natural migration routes.


3. Australia


Australia is unique in terms of its wildlife, as it’s home to many different animals that can’t be found anywhere else.

Surprisingly, lizards are one type of animal you won’t find here – so far, after searching the continent for many years, experts have not been able to locate any.

This makes Australia an anomaly among other countries, where various lizard types are known to exist in different parts of the world.

Interestingly, this anomaly might be due to Australia’s northern latitude and unique climate, which don’t support some kinds of wildlife common elsewhere.


4. New Zealand


New Zealand is one of the few areas on Earth with virtually no lizards.

This isn’t surprising given its unique circumstances: the islands generally lie in cold-to-moderate temperatures and have few predators, resulting in no large reptile species native to New Zealand.

Often, small animals like lizards can’t successfully establish populations in such environments, though a handful of reports of escaped pet skinks are popping up here and there.

Though the lack of native lizards means that those living in New Zealand may have a unique experience compared to those living elsewhere, it’s nothing to be worried about; this adds to the charm and uniqueness that makes New Zealand unique.


5. North America


North America is not known for any significant populations of lizards, with most of its species found in arid or tropical climates, far removed from its temperate environment.

This makes it an oddity among areas home to multiple species, leading many experts to believe there is insufficient habitat and resources within the region.

However, some regions of North America have seen a few rare species, such as the Sonoran spiny lizard and the glossy snake lizard, as they slowly migrate into more temperate environments

. Still, these cases are proving increasingly rare as these regions become populated with human development and invading species eradicating wildlife biodiversity.


6. South America


South America lacks lizards in some areas due to the colder climates, including Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego.

These regions have a landscape much different from other parts of South America; trees and grass are scarce, the terrain is often mountainous, and temperatures are typically below freezing.

The harsh environment is unsuitable for cold-blooded lizards, who rely on warmer temperatures to survive.

In addition, there are very few food sources capable of sustaining them. Since no known lizard species can stretch their habitat into extreme conditions, researchers agree that this area is unmapped territory for lizard occupancy.




Iceland, Greenland, Antarctica, and New Zealand are all great options for those looking for a place where they won’t run into any lizards or reptiles at all. But, of course, these four places offer much more than just lizard-free zones; they also boast stunning landscapes with unique wildlife that can only be found in those places alone. So if you’re looking for an adventure that isn’t overpopulated with reptiles—consider visiting one (or all) four destinations mentioned above! You won’t be disappointed.

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