White Tree Frogs and Mealworms: What Do They Eat?

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White tree frogs are a popular pet choice for many people. They are cute, small, and relatively easy to care for. But one question that often comes up is: can white tree frogs eat mealworms? The answer is yes – but there are some things you need to know before feeding them to your frog. In this blog post, we will discuss the diet of white tree frogs and provide some tips on how to feed them mealworms safely.




Mealworms are a common food source for many reptiles and amphibians, and white tree frogs are no exception. These small, wriggly insects are an excellent source of protein and other nutrients for your frog. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind when feeding mealworms to your pet:

First, it is important to remember that mealworms should only make up a small part of your frog’s overall diet. Like all animals, frogs require a balanced diet to stay healthy. A good rule of thumb is to offer your frog a mix of 50% vegetables, 25% protein (such as insects), and 25% fruit. This will ensure that your frog gets all the nutrients it needs to thrive.

Second, you’ll need to take care when feeding mealworms to your frog. These insects can carry bacteria that may be harmful to your pet. To avoid this, always buy mealworms from a reputable source and wash them thoroughly before feeding. It is also a good idea to dust the worms with a calcium supplement before offering them to your frog. This will help keep your pet’s bones healthy and strong.


What are Mealworms?


Mealworms are the larvae of the mealworm beetle. These small, worm-like insects are a common food source for many reptiles and amphibians.


How to feed mealworms to a White Tree Frog


Mealworms can be offered to your frog live, frozen, or freeze-dried. If you choose to feed live mealworms, be sure to remove any uneaten worms after a few hours to avoid overfeeding. Frozen and freeze-dried mealworms are also safe options, but be sure to rehydrate them before feeding. To do this, simply place the worms in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes.

Once you have prepared the mealworms, offer them to your frog on a small dish or piece of paper towel. Watch closely as your frog eats to make sure that it is not swallowing any whole worms. If you see your frog struggling to eat the worms, chop them into smaller pieces before offering them again.


How many should be fed a day?


As a general rule, you should offer your frog two to three mealworms per day. This can be increased to four or five worms per day for larger frogs or decreased to one worm per day for smaller frogs. As always, be sure to monitor your pet closely and make adjustments as needed to ensure a healthy diet.


When buying Mealworms should they be gut-loaded and what is it?


Mealworms should be bought from a reputable source and gut-loaded. Gut-loading is the process of feeding insects a nutritious diet before they are fed to your pet. This ensures that the insects are packed with nutrients, which will benefit your frog.


Are there any Cons to feeding Mealworms and what are they?


Mealworms can carry bacteria that may be harmful to your pet. To avoid this, always buy mealworms from a reputable source and wash them thoroughly before feeding. It is also a good idea to dust the worms with a calcium supplement before offering them to your frog. This will help keep your pet’s bones healthy and strong.


Other foods similar to Mealworms and the pros and cons of each


Other common food sources for reptiles and amphibians include crickets, earthworms, and slugs. Each of these options has its own set of pros and cons that you should consider before making a decision.

Crickets are a good source of protein and other nutrients, but they can be difficult to digest.

Earthworms are an excellent source of moisture, but they may carry harmful bacteria.

Slugs are easy to digest, but they lack many essential nutrients. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide which food source is best for your pet based on its individual needs.

Vegetables and fruits to feed white tree frogs and how much should be given


When feeding vegetables to your frog, it is important to remember that not all vegetables are created equal. Some vegetables, such as leafy greens, are packed with nutrients and should be offered regularly. Other vegetables, such as carrots and potatoes, should be fed in moderation due to their high sugar content. A good mix of vegetables for your frog might include kale, spinach, collard greens, turnip greens, squash, sweet potatoes, and green beans.

Fruits can also be a part of your frog’s diet, but they should only be offered occasionally. This is because fruits are high in sugar and can cause digestive problems if fed too often. When feeding fruit to your frog, stick to small amounts of fresh or frozen berries, melon, and mango.




Mealworms are a safe and nutritious food source for white tree frogs. When feeding mealworms to your frog, be sure to buy them from a reputable source and gut-load them before feeding. You should also dust the worms with a calcium supplement to ensure that your pet is getting all the nutrients it needs. As always, monitor your pet closely and make adjustments to its diet as needed.

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