Why Do Sugar Gliders Shake? A Useful Guide 

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Do you own a sugar glider? If so, you may have noticed that your pet shakes its body quite often. This behavior can be quite puzzling, especially since sugar gliders aren’t the only animals that shake their bodies regularly! In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind why sugar gliders shake and offer some insight into this curious behavior.


Reasons for sugar glider shaking


There are several reasons why Sugar Gliders shake, and the most common one is that they’re trying to stay warm.

Sugar Gliders are born without any fur, so they need to keep their bodies warm by shaking. Another reason for shaking is that it’s a way of getting rid of excess energy.

When Sugar Gliders are shaking, they’re actually burning off calories and keeping themselves fit. Finally, some experts believe that Sugar Gliders shake because it’s a form of communication.

By shaking their bodies, they’re able to send out messages to other Sugar Gliders and let them know what they’re thinking or feeling.

So, the next time you see a Sugar Glider shaking, don’t be alarmed! It’s just their way of life.


Some Interesting Sugar Glider behavior traits


Sugar gliders are nocturnal animals, so they are most active at night.

During the day, they sleep in tree hollows or nest boxes. Sugar gliders are very social animals and live in groups called colonies. Colonies can have up to 20 sugar gliders, but the average colony size is 10 sugar gliders.

Sugar gliders are very active and playful. They love to jump and glide through the air. They also like to climb and swing from branches. Sugar gliders are very curious and love to explore their environment. The most common form of communication for sugar gliders is scent marking.

They will also make loud squeaking sounds to communicate with other sugar gliders.

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