Will sticklebacks eat newts? The Surprising Answer

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If you’re like most people, you probably have no idea what a stickleback is. These little fish are found in freshwater habitats all over the world, and they are known for their interesting mating habits. In this blog post, we will answer the question of whether or not sticklebacks eat newts.




Sticklebacks are small freshwater fish that are found in ponds, lakes, and streams all over the world. One of their most distinctive features is the row of spines that runs along their back. Sticklebacks are opportunistic feeders and will eat just about anything they can fit in their mouth, including insects, crustaceans, and small amphibians like newts.

While newts are not a major part of the stickleback’s diet, they will consume them if given the opportunity. In general, sticklebacks prefer to eat smaller prey items, but they will consume larger ones if necessary.


Do sticklebacks eat newts in the wild?


In the wild, sticklebacks are known to eat a variety of small animals, including newts. While the exact reason why they eat newts is not fully understood, it is thought that they may do so in order to gain nutrients that are not found in their usual diet.

Newts are also known to be a potential source of food for other predators, such as snakes and fish. As a result, eating newts may help sticklebacks to avoid becoming prey themselves. While there is no definitive answer to whether or not sticklebacks eat newts in the wild, it is clear that they are capable of doing so.


What do sticklebacks eat in captivity if they’re not fed newts specifically?


When sticklebacks are in captivity, they will accept a wide variety of small live prey items such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and micro tubifex worms. It is best to feed them several times a day, offering only as much food as they can consume in a few minutes.

If newts are not specifically fed to them, they will do fine on this diet although they may not grow as large as those that are able to eat newts on a regular basis. In the wild, their diet consists mostly of insects and other small invertebrates.

They are opportunistic feeders and will also consume algae and small fish if available. Consequently, when keeping sticklebacks in captivity, it is important to provide them with a varied diet that includes both live and frozen foods.


Are there any dangers associated with keeping sticklebacks and newts together in an aquarium


While it is generally safe to keep sticklebacks and newts together in an aquarium or backyard pond, there are a few potential dangers to be aware of.

First, parasites and diseases can be easily spread between the two species, so it is important to quarantine any new fish or amphibians before adding them to the tank.

Secondly, newts are carnivorous predators and will occasionally eat small sticklebacks if given the opportunity. To prevent this from happening, make sure to provide hiding places for the sticklebacks and keep an eye on the newts to ensure they are not hunting their smaller tankmates.

Lastly, raccoons and other predators can pose a threat to both species if they are allowed access to the tank or pond. Keep your aquarium or pond well covered to protect your fish and amphibians from becoming a meal for a hungry predator.


How can you keep your stickleback and newt population healthy and safe


When setting up a freshwater aquarium, it’s important to consider the different species of fish you want to include. While some fish are compatible with others, others may view their tank mates as potential prey. This can lead to aggression and even injury.

In order to keep your fish safe, it’s important to choose species that are compatible with each other. One way to do this is to choose fish of similar size. For example, sticklebacks and newts are both small freshwater fish.

As a result, they are less likely to view each other as prey. Another way to choose compatible fish is to select those that have similar habitats and feeding habits. By doing your research in advance, you can be sure to set up a safe and healthy aquarium for all your fish.




Sticklebacks are opportunistic predators that will eat just about anything they can fit into their mouths. This includes newts, which are small amphibians that are common in ponds and streams. While sticklebacks typically prefer smaller prey, they have been known to consume newts that are up to twice their size.

In addition to being eaten by sticklebacks, newts also face predation from a variety of other animals, including fish, reptiles, mammals, and birds. As a result, newts must be constantly on the lookout for predators in order to survive.

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