10 Reasons Why My Leopard Gecko Is Trying To Climb The Glass?

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Leopard geckos are known for being one of the easiest reptiles to care for. They are typically calm and docile, but there is one behavior that can be a bit puzzling – why do they try to climb the glass? There isn’t a definitive answer, but there are a few theories that could explain this behavior. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the possible reasons behind this strange habit.


10 Reasons Why is my leopard gecko trying to climb the glass?


1. They want to escape their enclosure.


Leopard Geckos are very curious creatures and their environment greatly affects their behavior. If they feel that their enclosure does not provide them with enough Stimulation, they may become stressed and exhibit some abnormal behaviors, like trying to climb the glass.

A common cause of this behavior is boredom; Leopard Geckos need a wide variety of toys and hiding places to stay content. Another potential cause of this behavior could be that the enclosure is too hot or too cold.

Leopard Geckos need a warm basking spot and a cool hide, so if their enclosure does not have these temperature gradients, they may try to escape in search of more suitable habitat.

If you notice your Leopard Gecko exhibiting this behavior, it is important to assess their environment and make sure that it meets their needs.


2. They’re trying to get to their food or water.


When you see a leopard gecko trying to climb glass, it’s likely they’re trying to get to their food or water.

While these lizards are good climbers, they sometimes forget that vertical surfaces aren’t always the best way to get around.

When this happens, they’ll usually turn back and find another way up. However, there are a few things you can do to help them out.

  • First, make sure their cage has plenty of hiding places and ledges for them to climb on. This will give them somewhere to rest when they get tired from climbing.


  • Second, try placing their food and water dishes in different parts of the cage so they have to move around more. This will help them stay active and prevent boredom.


  • Finally, if you see them struggling to climb, you can give them a boost by placing a piece of cardboard or paper under their feet.

With a little patience and effort, you can help your leopard gecko learn to navigate their cage like a pro.


3. They see their reflection and think it’s another leopard gecko.


When they see their reflection in a mirror or window, they may mistake it for another leopard gecko and attempt to climb the glass.

This behavior is perfectly normal and is nothing to be concerned about. If you have a leopard gecko that is trying to climb your window, you can simply provide them with a climbing structure (such as a piece of driftwood) so that they can satisfy their natural urge to climb.


4. They’re basking in the heat from the sun or lamps.


Leopard geckos are also known for their ability to climb glass. This is because they have tiny Toe Pads that allow them to grip smooth surfaces.

When Leopard Geckos try to climb glass, it is typically because they are basking in the heat from the sun or lamps.

They will often climb to the top of their enclosure to get the best possible view of their heat source. While it may seem like a simple behavior, climbing glass is actually a complex process that requires coordination and strength.

As a result, it is just one of the many ways that Leopard Geckos stand out from other lizards.


5. They’re trying to get away from you or another animal in the room.


Leopard geckos are born climbers, and in the wild, they often seek out high places in order to keep an eye on their territory.

When they see their own reflection in a glass window or door, they mistake it for another gecko and attempt to climb it in order to assert their dominance. While it may be amusing to watch, this behavior can actually be dangerous for the gecko.

If they fall and injure themselves, it can lead to serious health problems. If you have a leopard gecko as a pet, it’s important to provide them with plenty of climbing surfaces so that they can satisfy their natural instinct without putting themselves at risk.


6. They’re stressed or frightened and are seeking a place to hide.


If you’ve ever had a leopard gecko, you may have noticed that they sometimes try to climb the glass of their enclosure. There are a few reasons why they might do this.

  • First, leopard geckos are native to arid environments, so they’re used to being able to see long distances. In their enclosure, they can’t see very far, which can be stressful for them.


  • They may also be trying to escape from something that’s worrying them, such as another gecko in the tank.


  • Finally, leopard geckos are nocturnal animals, so they’re more active at night. If you notice your gecko trying to climb the glass during the day, it may just be because they’re bored and looking for something to do.


Whatever the reason, it’s important to provide your gecko with plenty of hiding places and things to keep them occupied so they don’t become stressed or frustrated.


7. They’re gravid (pregnant) and looking for a place to lay their eggs.


This behavior is most likely due to the fact that your leopard gecko is gravid, or pregnant. Leopard geckos typically lay their eggs in burrows or other sheltered areas.

However, if they don’t have access to a suitable nesting site, they will try to find one by climbing. In addition, leopard geckos are attracted to smooth surfaces such as glass because they resemble the surface of an egg.

If your leopard gecko is gravid and trying to climb the glass of their enclosure, you can provide them with a nesting box or some other type of shelter.

By doing so, you can help your leopard gecko feel more comfortable and prevent them from injuring themselves.


8. They’re experiencing a health problem, such as respiratory infection, parasites, or vitamin deficiency.


If you see your leopard gecko trying to climb glass, it could be a sign that they are experiencing a health problem. respiratory infection, parasites, or vitamin deficiency are all possible causes.

If your gecko is having difficulty breathing, it is likely that they have a respiratory infection. Parasites can also cause respiratory problems, as well as weight loss and diarrhea.

A vitamin deficiency can lead to problems with muscle development and metabolism. If you notice any of these signs, take your gecko to the vet for a check-up.


9. They’re naturally curious and like to explore their surroundings.


Leopard geckos are also curious creatures that like to explore their surroundings. This can sometimes lead to them trying to climb glass, much to the confusion of their owners!

While it may look amusing, it’s important to keep an eye on your leopard gecko if it starts to exhibit this behavior. Glass is a smooth surface that can be difficult for them to grip, and they could easily hurt themselves if they fall.

If you’re concerned about your leopard gecko’s safety, you can provide them with a safe climbing area by adding rocks or branches to their enclosure.


10. They’ve been mishandled and are afraid of you or humans in general.


If your leopard gecko is trying to climb glass, it’s important to understand why and how you can help. One reason they may be trying to climb is that they’ve been mishandled and are afraid of you or humans in general.

If this is the case, it’s important to give them some time to calm down and get used to you before handling them again.

Another reason they may be trying to climb is that they’re looking for a way out of their enclosure.

If this is the case, you may need to provide them with more hiding places or make some changes to their enclosure. Regardless of the reason, if your leopard gecko is trying to climb glass, there are a few things you can do to help. First, try misting the glass with water.

This will help create a temporary barrier that will make it easier for them to grip the surface. Second, you can place a piece of tape or plastic on the glass at their level.




You can discourage your leopard gecko from climbing the glass by placing a screen or other obstacle in front of it


Leopard geckos are natural climbers and will often attempt to scale the glass of their tanks. While this behavior may be harmless, it can be frustrating for owners who find their pets constantly trying to escape.

There are a few things you can do to discourage your leopard gecko from climbing the glass.

  • One is to place a screen or other obstacle in front of the tank. This will prevent the gecko from getting a good grip and make it more difficult to climb.


  • Another option is to use sticky tape or gel on the glass. This will create an unpleasant surface that the gecko will avoid.


  • Finally, you can try using a different type of substrate, such as sand, which is not as easy to climb. By taking these steps, you can help to keep your leopard gecko safe and happy.


Make sure you have plenty of hiding places for your leopard gecko so it feels safe and secure


It is important to provide plenty of hiding places for your leopard gecko. This will help it feel safe and secure, and it will also provide a source of entertainment.

Hiding places can be created using a variety of materials, such as cardboard boxes, plastic tubs, or hollow logs.

Make sure to provide a hiding place on both the warm and cool sides of the enclosure, as leopard geckos like to thermoregulate by moving between these two areas.

By providing a variety of hiding places, you can help your leopard gecko feel comfortable and secure in its enclosure.


Provide a water dish that is large enough for your leopard gecko to soak in


Leopard geckos are a desert species of lizard, and in the wild, they get most of the moisture they need from the food they eat. In captivity, however, leopard geckos rely on their owners to provide them with water.

It is important to give your leopard gecko a water dish that is large enough for them to soak in. This will not only help them stay hydrated, but it will also allow them to shed their skin properly.

Leopard geckos typically shed their skin every 2-4 weeks, and soaking in water helps to loosen the old skin so that it can be easily shed.

If you do not provide your leopard gecko with a water dish, they may have difficulty shedding their skin, which can lead to health problems.


Keep your leopard gecko’s habitat clean and free of debris


As an owner of a leopard gecko, it is important to keep their habitat clean and free of debris. There are a few reasons for this.

First, debris can harbor harmful bacteria and parasites that can make your gecko sick.

Second, debris can prevent your gecko from being able to thermoregulate properly, which can lead to health problems.

Finally, a clean habitat will simply be more enjoyable for you and your gecko! To keep your leopard gecko’s habitat clean, start by removing any uneaten food or waste daily.

Every week, you should also do a more thorough cleaning, which involves removing all debris, washing all surfaces with a reptile-safe cleaner, and then letting the habitat dry completely.



We hope you have enjoyed the reasons why Leopard Geckos try to climb glass and the solutions we have provided.

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