Do Monitor Lizards Eat Dogs? The Surprising Answer

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Do monitor lizards eat dogs? This is a question that many pet owners have asked, and the answer may surprise you! Monitor lizards are carnivores, and while they may not typically prey on dogs, they will certainly eat smaller animals if given the opportunity. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the diet of monitor lizards and find out what kinds of animals they like to eat.


Can monitor lizards eat dogs?


No, monitor lizards cannot eat dogs.

While they are technically capable of consuming small mammals, their digestive system is not designed to process dog flesh.

In fact, attempting to eat a dog would likely be fatal for a monitor lizard. The size difference between the two animals is just too great, and the dog’s fur would cause serious gastrointestinal problems for the lizard.

So while it’s technically possible for a monitor lizard to eat a dog, it’s not something that would ever happen in nature.


Will a monitor lizard attack a dog in captivity?


While it is certainly possible for a monitor lizard to attack a dog in captivity, it is relatively unlikely.

Monitor lizards are generally shy and reclusive animals, and they will usually only attack if they feel threatened.

If a monitor lizard feels cornered or trapped, it may lash out at whatever is closest to it, including a dog.

However, if the lizard has plenty of space to retreat and is not feeling threatened, it is much less likely to attack.

In most cases, the best way to avoid an incident is to simply give the lizard plenty of space and avoid handling it unnecessarily.


Can a monitor lizard and a dog live in harmony in captivity?


While it is not impossible for a monitor lizard and a dog to live in harmony in captivity, it is certainly not the norm.

These two animals have very different natural behaviors and needs, which can make coexisting in close quarters a challenge.

For example, monitor lizards are typically shy and reclusive, while dogs are social creatures that thrive on interaction with their human companions. In addition, monitor lizards require a warm, humid environment, while dogs do best in a moderate climate.

As a result, it is important to consider the individual personalities and needs of both animals before deciding whether or not to house them together.

With careful planning and a bit of luck, however, it is possible for a monitor lizard and a dog to coexist peacefully.


Will a barking dog cause stress to a monitor lizard?


It is unlikely that a barking dog would cause stress to a monitor lizard.

Monitor lizards are not easily startled, and they are not generally afraid of dogs.

In fact, monitor lizards are often found living near human settlements, where they can find an abundance of food sources. However, if a monitor lizard feels threatened, it may hiss or bite in self-defense.

Therefore, it is important to be cautious when approaching a monitor lizard, especially if it appears to be agitated. If you have a dog with you, it is best to keep the dog on a leash so that it does not scare the lizard or provoke an attack.


Are there any household pets that can co-exist with monitor lizards?


While monitor lizards can make for interesting and unique pets, they are not necessarily the best choice for households that already have other pets.

These lizards are large and require a significant amount of space, which can be difficult to provide in a home that also houses cats, dogs, or other small animals.

In addition, monitor lizards are carnivores, and their diet can be very dangerous for other pets.

If not properly supervised, these lizards can pose a serious threat to smaller animals. For these reasons, it is generally advisable to avoid keeping monitor lizards with other household pets.



According to most experts, the answer is no. While it’s true that monitor lizards are large predators with a taste for meat, they typically don’t view dogs as prey. Instead, they tend to prefer smaller animals, such as rodents or birds.

That said, there have been a few reports of monitor lizards attacking and killing dogs. In most cases, these lizards were either sick or starving. As a result, it’s generally not advisable to keep a monitor lizard as a pet if you also have a dog. If you do need to coexist with both animals, it’s important to be vigilant and keep an eye on both the lizard and the dog at all times.


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