How Many Crickets to Feed a Leopard Gecko? A Detailed Answer

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As a gecko enthusiast, you know that one of the most important things you can do for your leopard gecko is to ensure they’re well-fed. A healthy diet is crucial to keeping your leopard gecko happy and healthy—but how many crickets should you feed them? Let’s take a look.


How many crickets should a Leopard Gecko be fed?


As a rule of thumb, you should feed your leopard gecko 5-10 crickets daily.

However, this number can vary depending on a few factors, such as the size of your leopard gecko and whether or not they’re pregnant.

For example, if you have a pregnant leopard gecko,  you’ll need to up their cricket intake to around 15 per day.

Of course, ensuring that the crickets you’re feeding them are appropriately sized is also essential. You don’t want to give them crickets that are too big or too small—aim for crickets that are roughly the same size as the distance between your leopard gecko’s eyes.


Should the crickets be gut loaded?


Crickets are a common food source for Leopard Geckos, and they can be purchased live or gut-loaded.

“Gut loading” is the process of feeding insects high-quality foods so they, in turn, can provide nutrients to the animal that eats them.

The practice of gut loading is controversial, as some experts feel it is unnecessary and insects should be allowed to live out their natural lifespan before being eaten.

Others believe gut loading is necessary for providing optimal nutrition to Leopard Geckos. There are pros and cons to both sides of the debate, but ultimately the decision of whether or not to gut load crickets is up to the individual keeper.

Should the Crickets be dusted with Calcium?


When keeping Leopard Geckos as pets, it is essential to recreate their natural diet as closely as possible.

This means feeding them live insects, such as crickets.

These crickets should be dusted with calcium powder before being fed to the gecko. This helps to ensure that the reptile gets the calcium it needs to maintain strong bones and muscles. Dusting the crickets with calcium also has the added benefit of preventing potential health problems, such as metabolic bone disease.

As a result, it is always best to err on the side of caution and dust your Leopard Gecko’s food with calcium powder.




Remember, when it comes to feeding your leopard gecko, it’s all about quantity AND quality. Make sure you’re giving them enough crickets, but also make sure those crickets are appropriately sized and nutritious. Do that, and your leopard gecko will be happy and healthy in no time!

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