Why can’t my leopard gecko catch crickets? Here’s Why

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A common question that leopard gecko owners ask is why their gecko can’t seem to catch any crickets. This can be frustrating, as it seems like your gecko should be able to easily prey on these small insects. In this blog post, we will explore some of the reasons why your leopard gecko might not be catching crickets and provide some solutions.




Leopard geckos are notoriously difficult to feed. In the wild, they live on a diet of small insects, and in captivity, they often refuse to eat anything other than live crickets. As a result, many owners find themselves struggling to keep their leopard geckos well-fed.

The good news is that there are a few things you can do to encourage your leopard gecko to eat.


  • First, make sure that the crickets you offer are the right size. Leopard geckos have tiny mouths, so offering them large crickets can be daunting.


  • Second, try offering a variety of food items. Live crickets can be supplemented with chopped vegetables or commercial insect food.


  • Finally, remember that leopard geckos are nocturnal animals, so they may be more likely to eat at night. If you offer food during the day, try turning off the lights and giving them a dark place to hide.


By following these tips, you should be able to get your leopard gecko to start eating.


The reasons why a Leopard Gecko cant catch crickets


There are several reasons why Leopard Geckos may have difficulty catching crickets.


  • Firstly, Leopard Geckos are notoriously shy and reclusive creatures, so they may not be used to hunting for their prey.


  • Secondly, crickets are relatively small and fast-moving, so they can be difficult to catch.


  • Thirdly, crickets often hide in dark places, making them difficult to spot.


  • Finally, crickets produce a high-pitched noise that can startle Leopard Geckos and make them more difficult to catch.


By taking these factors into account, it is easier to understand why Leopard Geckos may have difficulty catching crickets.


Leopard geckos are great at catching crickets, but there are a few things you can do to make it even easier for them


Leopard geckos are skilled predators, and their diet consists mostly of insects. Crickets are a common prey item, and leopard geckos will typically hunt them at night.

There are a few things you can do to make it easier for your leopard gecko to catch crickets.

First, provide plenty of hiding places for the crickets. This will give the leopard gecko somewhere to ambush its prey.

Second, keep the cricket cages well-lit. This will make it easier for the leopard gecko to spot the crickets.

Finally, refrain from handling the crickets too much. The oils from your skin can make them more difficult for the leopard gecko to detect.

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your leopard gecko gets the nourishment it needs.

 Place the cricket cage in a warm, sunny spot

Make sure the cricket cage has plenty of ventilation so the crickets don’t overheat

Feed your leopard gecko a variety of different food items to keep them healthy and happy.


Leopard Gecko Diet


A healthy diet is important for all pets, and leopard geckos are no exception. These reptiles are native to arid regions of Asia and Africa, and as a result, they have evolved to live on a diet of insects.

In the wild, leopard geckos will eat anything they can catch, including beetles, crickets, and moths. However, captive leopard geckos typically only have access to a limited selection of food items.

As a result, it is important to feed them a variety of different foods to ensure that they get all the nutrients they need. A good diet for a leopard gecko should include insects such as crickets and mealworms, as well as fruits and vegetables such as mangoes and sweet potatoes.


Provide your leopard gecko with plenty of water and clean it regularly


A leopard gecko is a desert-dwelling reptile that does not drink standing water but rather gathers the water it needs from the food it eats and the air around it. In the wild, their diet consists of small insects such as crickets, cockroaches, and mealworms.

You can purchase these insects at your local pet store. domesticated leopard geckos should be fed a diet of live insects to ensure they are getting the hydration they need. It’s important to provide your leopard gecko with a clean water bowl and change the water regularly.

Geckos are attracted to running water so you may find they drink more if you place a dripping faucet over their water bowl. Finally, spray your leopard gecko’s habitat with a fine mist of water once a day to help increase humidity levels.


Keep your leopard gecko’s habitat tidy and free from clutter


A leopard gecko’s habitat should be kept tidy and free from clutter to ensure its health and wellbeing. Clutter can provide places for parasites to hide, and it can also make it difficult for the gecko to find food and water.

In addition, leopard geckos are naturally shy creatures, and clutter can make them feel stressed and anxious. If you want your leopard gecko to thrive, make sure its habitat is clean, spacious, and free of distractions.




If you find that your leopard gecko isn’t catching crickets, there are a few things you can do to help. First, make sure that the crickets are the appropriate size. Leopard geckos will typically go for smaller prey, so if the crickets are too large, your leopard gecko may not be able to catch them.

You can also try offering the crickets in a different place, such as on a higher shelf or in a different part of the cage. Be sure to provide plenty of hiding places for your leopard gecko as well, as they may be more likely to hunt if they feel safe and secure.

Lastly, make sure that you are offering enough food. If your leopard gecko isn’t getting enough to eat, it may not have the energy to hunt down its prey. By following these simple tips, you can help your leopard gecko get back on the hunt in no time.

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