Can Bearded Dragons Eat Stick Insects? The Surprising Answer

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The simple answer is yes; bearded dragons can eat stick insects. Many bearded dragon owners feed their pet reptiles stick insects as part of a nutritious diet. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when feeding your bearded dragon stick insects, which we’ll cover in this blog post.


Can bearded dragons eat stick insects?


Yes, bearded dragons can eat stick insects.

Stick insects are a great source of protein for bearded dragons and provide them with vital vitamins and minerals.

However, they should be offered to your beardie as an occasional treat since too much may cause digestive problems and other health issues.

Stick insects should always be dusted with calcium powder before feeding to ensure that your Dragon gets the necessary nutrients.

Be sure to remove any uneaten insects after feeding, as they can become aggressive if left in the enclosure for too long.

Additionally, feed your bearded dragon stick insects that are no bigger than half their head size. Any larger and it could potentially choke or injure your pet.

Feeding them to your bearded Dragon should be done in moderation to ensure your pet’s health.

Stick insects can be a great addition to your beardie’s diet, but it is essential to exercise caution. Be sure to research proper care and nutrition for your reptile before introducing any new food item into its diet. Doing so will help ensure the long-term health of your pet.


Bearded Dragons Diet


Bearded dragons are omnivorous lizards that are native to Australia. Their wild diet consists of various insects, plants, and small animals.

In captivity, they can be fed a diet of commercially available insectivore food, vegetables, and occasional live prey.

Many bearded dragon owners feed their pets stick insects as an occasional treat. While these insects are not toxic to bearded dragons, there are a few things to keep in mind when feeding them. First, stick insects should only make up a small part of the lizard’s diet.

They should be offered alongside other food items, such as vegetables and commercial insectivore food. Second, stick insects should be dusted with calcium powder before being provided to the lizard.

This will help to ensure that the lizard receives the nutrients it needs. Finally, it is essential to supervise the lizard while eating stick insects.

This will help to prevent the insect from escaping and becoming lost in the lizard’s enclosure.


The Nutritional Value of Stick Insects for Bearded Dragons


Stick insects are a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals for bearded dragons. They are also a low-fat food option, which is essential for reptiles that are prone to obesity.

When choosing stick insects for your bearded Dragon, look for those approximately the same size as your reptile’s head.

This will help ensure that your pet can eat the insect without difficulty and reduce the risk of choking.


How to Feed Your Bearded Dragon Stick Insects


Before feeding your bearded Dragon stick insects, it’s important to dust the insects with a calcium powder supplement.

This will help ensure that your reptile gets the nutrients and prevents health problems.

To dust the insects, place them in a bag with the calcium powder and shake until they are coated.

Once the insects are dusted, you can offer them to your bearded Dragon one at a time or place a small handful in its enclosure.

If you’re concerned about reptile overeating, you can permanently remove any uneaten insects after 15-20 minutes.


How often should Bearded Dragons be fed?


Bearded Dragons are opportunistic feeders, meaning they eat whenever they can find food. They typically eat various insects, small mammals, and reptiles in the wild.

In captivity, however, their diet is much more limited. Most captive Bearded Dragons are fed a diet of live insects, such as crickets and mealworms.

While live insects are a necessary part of their diet, there is some debate about how many and how often Bearded Dragons should be fed.

Some experts recommend feeding Bearded Dragons 2-3 times daily, while others recommend feeding them once daily.

The feeding frequency will depend on several factors, including the age and size of the Dragon. Juvenile dragons, for example, increase and need to eat more often than adults. However, when feeding the quantity of food, most experts recommend offering adult dragons 10-15 grams of live insects per day.

For juveniles, you can start with 5-10 grams per day and increase the amount as they grow. The best way to determine how much and how often to feed your Bearded Dragon is to consult a reptile veterinarian or experienced reptile keeper.



Stick insects make a great addition to any bearded dragon’s diet. They are packed with nutrients and low in fat, making them a healthy option for these reptiles. When feeding stick insects to your bearded Dragon, dust them with calcium powder first and offer them in moderation. Doing so will help ensure that your reptile stays healthy and happy.



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