Author: Phil

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  • Lizard Gd4d704a32 640

    What Does It Mean When a Crested Gecko Opens Its Mouth?

    When you see your crested gecko open its mouth, what does it mean? Is it happy? Is it scared? What is going on inside that little head of theirs? In this blog post, we will discuss the different things that your crested gecko might be trying to tell you when it opens its mouth. We…

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  • Gecko Gb4b944daf 640

    My Crested Gecko Peed on Me: Why Does It Happen and What Can I Do?

    If you own a crested gecko, you may have noticed that they sometimes pee on their owners. This can be a bit of an inconvenience, but it’s also perfectly normal behavior for these lizards. In this blog post, we will discuss the reasons why crested geckos may pee on their owners and what you can…

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  • Frog Gc14ad76cc 640

    Can You Put a Tree Frog With a Crested Gecko?

    Can you put a tree frog with a crested gecko? This is a question that many new reptile owners are asking. The answer, unfortunately, is no. While both of these animals make great pets, they require very different care. In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between tree frogs and crested geckos, and…

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  • Woodlouse G7b3fe7d35 640

    Crested Geckos Eating Isopods: What Do Crested Geckos Eat?

    Do you have a crested gecko and are wondering what they eat in the wild? Many people wonder if their pet crested gecko will eat isopods. The answer to that question is yes, crested geckos will eat isopods in the wild. In this blog post, we will discuss the diet of crested geckos and provide…

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    Will Mold Hurt My Crested Gecko?

    If you have a crested gecko, it’s important to be aware of the dangers of mold. Mold can cause serious health problems in reptiles, and it’s important to take steps to prevent it from growing in your home. In this article, we will discuss the dangers of mold for crested geckos, as well as some…

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  • Gecko Gaf1d23586 640

    Are Scented Candles Bad for Crested Geckos?

    There is a lot of debate over whether or not scented candles are bad for crested geckos. Some people say that the scent can be harmful to their health, while others claim that there is no evidence to support this claim. In this blog post, we will take a look at both sides of the…

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