Crested Geckos Eating Isopods: What Do Crested Geckos Eat?

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Do you have a crested gecko and are wondering what they eat in the wild? Many people wonder if their pet crested gecko will eat isopods. The answer to that question is yes, crested geckos will eat isopods in the wild. In this blog post, we will discuss the diet of crested geckos and provide some tips on how to feed them isopods.


Will crested geckos eat isopods?


Yes, crested geckos will eat isopods in the wild and in captivity. Crested geckos are omnivores and they typically eat a variety of insects, including isopods.

Isopods are small crustaceans that can be found in both freshwater and saltwater environments. They are scavengers and opportunistic feeders, which means they will eat anything that is available to them. This makes them an easy prey item for crested geckos.


Point to remember


If you want to provide your crested gecko with some isopods, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, make sure you only give your crested gecko live isopods. Second, always supervise your crested gecko when it is eating isopods, as they can bite and cause injury. Finally, only give your crested gecko a few isopods at a time. If you overfeed them on isopods, they may not eat other types of food.

If you are looking for a source of live isopods, there are several online stores that sell them. You can also find them in the pet section of most major retailers.


Are isopods beneficial for my Crested Gecko?


There is no definitive answer to this question. Some people believe that isopods are beneficial for crested geckos because they help them digest their food better. Others believe that isopods can cause health problems in crested geckos, such as intestinal blockages.

At this point, there is not enough scientific evidence to say whether or not isopods are beneficial for crested geckos. If you decide to give your crested gecko isopods, monitor their behavior and overall health closely to see if there are any negative effects.


5 beneficial foods for Crested Geckos and why


Here are five beneficial foods for crested geckos and why they are important:

-Mealworms: Mealworms are high in protein and essential vitamins and minerals. They also have a high moisture content, which makes them a good choice for crested geckos.

-Crickets: Crickets are another high-protein food option for crested geckos. They also contain a variety of nutrients, including calcium.

-Dubia Roaches: Dubia roaches are an excellent source of protein, as well as other important nutrients like calcium and vitamin B12.

-Parsley: Parsley is a good source of dietary fiber, which can help keep your crested gecko’s digestive system healthy.

-Zucchini: Zucchini is a good source of vitamin A and other nutrients that are essential for crested gecko health. It also has a high moisture content, making it ideal for these lizards.


Food Supplements for Crested Geckos


In addition to feeding your crested gecko a variety of healthy foods, you may also want to consider supplementing their diet with vitamin and mineral supplements. This is especially important if you are not able to provide them with a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.

There are several different types of vitamin and mineral supplements available for crested geckos. Be sure to talk to your veterinarian before starting any type of supplementation regimen.




If you are looking for foods to supplement your crested gecko’s diet, isopods may be a good option. They are an excellent source of protein and other important nutrients, like calcium and vitamin B12. They also have a high moisture content, which makes them a good choice for crested geckos. Always supervise your crested gecko when it is eating isopods to prevent injury. Only give your lizard a few at a time to avoid overfeeding.




-Can Crested Geckos eat live Isopods?

Yes, crested geckos can eat live isopods. However, you should always supervise your lizard when it is eating isopods to prevent injury.


Q. Are Isopods Beneficial for my Crested Gecko?

A. There is no definitive answer to this question. Some people believe that isopods are beneficial for crested geckos because they help them digest their food better. Others believe that isopods can cause health problems in crested geckos, such as intestinal blockages. More research is needed to say definitively whether or not isopods are beneficial for these lizards.


Q. What other foods can I give my Crested Gecko?

A. In addition to feeding your crested gecko a variety of healthy foods, you may also want to consider supplementing their diet with vitamin and mineral supplements. This is especially important if you are not able to provide them with a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. There are several different types of vitamin and mineral supplements available for crested geckos. Be sure to talk to your veterinarian before starting any type of supplementation regimen.


Q. Can I give my Crested Gecko Isopods from the wild?

A. No, it is not safe to give your crested gecko isopods from the wild. They may contain harmful toxins or parasites that could make your lizard sick. Only give the lizard isopods that you have purchased from a reputable pet store.


Q. How many Isopods should I give my Crested Gecko?

A. Only give your crested gecko a few isopods at a time to avoid overfeeding. If you are unsure how many isopods to give your lizard, talk to your veterinarian for guidance.


Q. What if my Crested Gecko won’t eat Isopods?

A. If your crested gecko does not seem interested in eating isopods, try offering them another type of food. Some lizards are picky eaters and may not like the taste of isopods. You can also try offering them different types of insects, such as crickets or dubia roaches. If your lizard still does not want to eat, talk to your veterinarian for further guidance.


Final Thoughts


Crested Geckos are nocturnal creatures, so they may not be interested in eating during the day. Try offering them food at night when they are more active. You can also try offering them live food, as this may be more appealing to them. If you are still having trouble getting your lizard to eat, talk to your veterinarian for further guidance.

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