Author: Phil

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  • Frog 3467033 640 (1)

    What Do Toads Eat? (About Toad Eating Habits)

    Frogs take a lot of the limelight both in the wild and as domestic pet. But their close cousin, the toad, is an interesting little creature that makes an excellent pet. If you’re thinking about getting your hands on a pet toad, then it is essential to provide it with the proper care and replicate…

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  • Leopard 2125784 640

    Can Baby Leopard Geckos Live With Adults?

    If you are an animal lover and have leopard geckos, then the chances are that you may want to introduce new individuals to the mix. Moreover, a lot of people decide that going down the breeding route is a good idea. That said, there is the concern over whether juvenile leopard geckos will be safe…

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  • Snake 6658527 640

    Do Snakes Nurse Their Babies?

    As mammals, it seems perfectly natural to use that an animal would use its own milk to feed its young. This is a behaviour and ability that runs across thousands of species but have you ever seen a baby snake suckling at its mother for sustenance? If not, this comes as no surprise, but if…

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  • Snake 771541 640

    Can Snakes Bite Through Rubber Boots? The Surprising Answer

    In some parts of the world, wild snakes can be very problematic. While these creatures won’t typically attack for the fun of it, humans will often startle snakes before they have had the opportunity to notice the warning signs that signal a bite is imminent. Since they have very few alternatives when it comes to…

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  • Lizard 4291013 640 (1)

    Do Geckos Shed Their Skin ( When and why? )

    Geckos are reptiles and one of the most defining features of many reptiles is the ability to shed their skin. But this can seem like a bit of a weird process to humans whose skin doesn’t shed as a whole but rather in tiny particles. But one of the most common questions for new gecko…

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  • Iguana 1057830 640 (1)

    How Big Do Iguanas Get in Captivity? (Growth Chart and Size Details)

    There are many diverse types of lizards that can be adopted as a pet and most of these are relatively small. However, there are some breeds that can grow to an impressive size and for people who want a pet they can boast about, an iguana might be a viable choice. These lizards can grow…

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