Bearded Dragon Poop: The Truth About What It’s Supposed to Smell Like

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No matter how much you love your bearded dragon, there’s no getting around the fact that their poop smells. But what does it smell like, exactly? And is it normal for it to smell a certain way? In this blog post, we will discuss the truth about bearded dragon poop and what you can do to keep your pet’s habitat smelling fresh!


Is bearded dragon poop supposed to smell?


This is a common question that we get from new bearded dragon owners. And the answer is, well, it depends. Bearded dragons are omnivores, which means that they eat both plants and animals. This diet can result in different smells coming from their poop. Animal-based foods will generally make their poop smell stronger, while plant-based foods will make it smell milder. In either case, you should expect your bearded dragon’s poop to have some sort of odor.

There are a few things you can do to minimize the smell of your bearded dragon’s habitat. First, be sure to clean their enclosure on a regular basis. This will help to remove any built-up waste and bacteria that could be causing the bad odor. You can also try using a pet-safe odor eliminator to help get rid of any lingering smells. And lastly, make sure your bearded dragon is getting plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. This will help keep their poop smelling milder overall.

If your bearded dragon’s poop starts to smell particularly bad, it could be a sign that they’re not eating properly or that they have an infection. In either case, you should take them to the vet for a check-up. Thankfully, most cases of bad-smelling poop are simply due to normal digestive processes and can be easily remedied with some simple steps. So don’t worry – your beloved beardie’s droppings won’t always smell great, but there are ways to make it a little more pleasant for everyone involved!


How to keep a bearded dragons habitat smelling nice


Bearded dragon poop is not supposed to smell bad. In fact, it should have a very mild odor that is not too overpowering. If you find that your bearded dragon’s habitat smells bad, there are things you can do to try and fix the problem.

First, make sure that you are cleaning your bearded dragon’s habitat regularly. This means removing waste material and replacing bedding at least once a week. Second, check to see if your bearded dragon is eating enough fruits and vegetables. A diet high in fresh produce will help keep your bearded dragon’s habitat smelling nice. Finally, consider using a reptile deodorant to help neutralize any unpleasant odors.

If you follow these tips, you should be able to keep your bearded dragon’s habitat smelling fresh and clean. Remember, a little bit of effort goes a long way when it comes to keeping your reptile happy and healthy!


What is a bearded dragon’s poop supposed to smell like?


Bearded dragon poop is supposed to smell mild and not too overpowering. If you find that your bearded dragon’s habitat smells bad, there are things you can do to try and fix the problem.

First, make sure that you are cleaning your bearded dragon’s habitat regularly. This means removing waste material and replacing bedding at least once a week. Second, check to see if your bearded dragon is eating enough fruits and vegetables. A diet high in fresh produce will help keep your bearded dragon’s habitat smelling nice. Finally, consider using a reptile deodorant to help neutralize any unpleasant odors.


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Which foods cause bearded dragons’ poop to smell?


There are certain foods that can cause bearded dragons’ poop to smell bad. These include:

– Meats that are high in fat content

– Fish

– Eggs

– Dairy products

Certain vegetables can also cause bearded dragons’ poop to smell bad. These include:

– Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cabbage

– Fruits with a strong odor, like durian or mango


If you notice that your bearded dragon’s poop is starting to smell bad, it’s important to change their diet and see a vet if the problem persists.




In conclusion, bearded dragon poop should not smell bad. If it does, it could be a sign that something is wrong and you should take your dragon to the vet. A change in diet may also be necessary.



Q: What can I do if my bearded dragon’s poop smells bad?

A: You should change their diet and see a vet if the problem persists.


Q: Why does my bearded dragon’s poop smell bad?

A: There are many reasons why your bearded dragon’s poop might start to smell bad, but the most common reason is because of their diet.

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