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  • Frog 2516809 640

    Can a salamander live with a frog?  The Surprising Answer

    If you’re ever wondering if a salamander can live with a frog, the answer is yes! Salamanders and frogs are both amphibians, meaning they both live in water and on land. They make great roommates because they have different needs when it comes to their environment. Salamanders like to live in damp areas, while frogs…

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  • Bearded dragon 4901547 640 (2)

    Can a bearded dragon eat a salamander? The Surprising Answer

    Bearded dragons are popular pets, but many people don’t know what they can and can’t eat. Can a bearded dragon eat a salamander? The answer is no – salamanders are toxic to bearded dragons. If you have a bearded dragon, it’s important to know what they can and can’t eat so you can keep them…

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  • Lizard 4641585 640

    Do protean traps work on salamanders? A Helpful Guide

    Do protean traps work on salamanders? This is a question that has been debated by scientists for many years. Some believe that protean traps are an effective way to catch salamanders, while others believe that they are not very effective at all. In this blog post, we will discuss the pros and cons of using…

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  • Border collie 662775 640

    Are salamanders poisonous to dogs? A must see Answer

    Salamanders are a type of amphibian that can be found all over the world. They are typically brown or black in color and have slimy skin. Salamanders are not poisonous to humans, but they can be poisonous to dogs. In this blog post, we will discuss the dangers of salamanders for dogs, and how to…

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  • Wildlife 3357937 640

    Can you keep a salamander as a pet? Everything you will need

    Salamanders make interesting pets. They are relatively easy to care for and can be fun to watch. If you are thinking about keeping a salamander as a pet, there are some things you need to know first. In this article, we will discuss the requirements for keeping a salamander as a pet, as well as…

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  • Macro 2300109 640

    What to feed a salamander? The Complete Guide

    If you have a salamander as a pet, it is important to know what to feed it. Salamanders are carnivorous and need a diet that is high in protein. In this blog post, we will discuss the types of food that salamanders can eat, as well as the nutritional value of each type. We will…

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