Can a bearded dragon eat a salamander? The Surprising Answer

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Bearded dragons are popular pets, but many people don’t know what they can and can’t eat. Can a bearded dragon eat a salamander? The answer is no – salamanders are toxic to bearded dragons. If you have a bearded dragon, it’s important to know what they can and can’t eat so you can keep them healthy and safe.




Bearded dragons are native to Australia and are popular pets in many parts of the world. They are omnivorous lizards that primarily eat plants, insects, and small animals.

While salamanders are not a typical part of a bearded dragon’s diet, they can occasionally be fed live salamanders as a treat.

However, there are some risks associated with doing this. Salamanders can carry harmful bacteria that can make bearded dragons sick.

In addition, salamanders can also be aggressive and may bite or scratch bearded dragons when they are being fed. As a result, it is important to exercise caution when feeding salamanders to bearded dragons.


The risks associated with feeding a bearded dragon a salamander


There are a few risks associated with feeding a bearded dragon a salamander.


  • First, salamanders can be carriers of salmonella, which can make your bearded dragon sick.


  • Second, salamanders can be aggressive, and if they bite your bearded dragon, they can introduce bacteria into the wound that can cause an infection.


  • Finally, if your bearded dragon swallows a salamander whole, there is a risk that the sharp bones could puncture the digestive tract, leading to serious health problems.


If you decide to feed your bearded dragon a salamander, it is important to take precautions to minimize the risks.


  • First, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling the salamander.


  • Second, supervise your bearded dragon closely while they are eating, and remove the salamander if they start to show signs of aggression.


  • Finally, if you are concerned about the possibility of your bearded dragon swallowing a salamander whole, you can ask your veterinarian about feeding them smaller prey items.


By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that feeding your bearded dragon a salamander is safe and enjoyable for both of you.


What bearded dragons eat


A bearded dragon’s diet consists mostly of live insects, such as crickets, roaches, and mealworms. These should be dusted with calcium powder to ensure that the dragon gets the nutrients it needs. Bearded dragons also enjoy the occasional piece of fruit or vegetable, such as a grape or a slice of bell pepper.

It is important to offer a variety of food items to ensure that the dragon gets the nutrients it needs. Feeding bearded dragons is relatively simple, but there are a few things to keep in mind.


  • First, always offer food that is appropriately sized for the dragon.


  • Second, make sure that food items are dusted with calcium powder.


  • Third, offer a variety of food items to ensure that the dragon gets the nutrients it needs.

By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure that your bearded dragon stays healthy and happy.


What salamanders eat


Salamanders are a type of amphibian that can be found in a variety of habitats all over the world. As they are vertebrates, they have a backbone and therefore need to consume other animals in order to obtain the nutrients they need.

The type of food that a salamander will eat will vary depending on the species, but most salamanders are carnivores and will consume insects, earthworms, slugs, and snails. Some larger species of salamander may also consume small mammals or reptiles.

Salamanders have a long tongue that they use to capture their prey, and they also have sharp teeth that help them to tear apart their food. In captivity, salamanders can be fed live insects or commercially produced foods that are designed specifically for amphibians.


How to tell the difference between a bearded dragon and a salamander


At a glance, bearded dragons and salamanders may look quite similar. Both groups of animals are four-legged reptiles with long tails, and both groups can vary widely in size and coloration. However, there are several key differences between these two types of animals.

Bearded dragons have spiny scales along their back and sides, while salamanders have smooth skin. In addition, bearded dragons are typically found in arid environments, while salamanders prefer moist habitats.

Another difference is that bearded dragons are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day, while salamanders are nocturnal, meaning they are active at night.

Finally, bearded dragons lay eggs with hard shells, while salamanders give birth to live young. When trying to tell the difference between a bearded dragon and a salamander, these key characteristics can be helpful guideposts.




Yes, a bearded dragon can eat a salamander. However, it is important to take precautions as listed above. Bearded dragons should also only be offered food that is appropriately sized for them. By taking these simple precautions, you can help ensure that feeding your bearded dragon a salamander is safe and enjoyable for both of you.

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