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  • Lizard 653645 640

    Can Leopard Geckos Live Together? A Useful Guide

    When we take on a pet, it is often tempting to take on more than one. In some cases, such as with rabbits or dogs, animals will live quite happily alongside one another, even if they don’t always interact. However, when it comes to leopard geckos, do the same rules apply? Can leopard geckos live…

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    What Do Pet Frogs Eat? (Learn What To Feed Your Frog)

    If you’re in the market for an interesting exotic pet, there is not much that can beat a frog. These creatures are unique in many ways and taking care of them can be extremely rewarding. But if you are new to being a frog owner, you may be wondering what do pet frogs eat? Frogs…

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    Do Snakes Have Lungs? You Will Be Surprised

    There are a lot of things about the snake that is utterly fascinating. If you’re a keen snake fanatic or simply want to get to know your pet a little better, then you have probably asked yourself a lot of questions about your snake’s anatomy. One thing that surprises a lot of people about snakes…

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  • Grass Snake 60546 640 (1)

    Can Snakes Climb Stairs? You Will Be Surprised

    Can you imagine a snake climbing stair? It’s a pretty terrifying concept for people who suffer from a crippling phobia of snakes. If you live in an area where there are a lot of wild snakes, you may be wondering whether these slithery creatures will be able to climb the stairs up to your front…

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    Do leopard Geckos Bite Hard (How Strong Is Their Bite?)

    If there is anything that people are worried about when it comes to reptiles, it is their bite. These animals are feared around the world for being aggressive and very capable when it comes to defending themselves. But when you look at your beautiful, sweet pet leopard gecko, it can be difficult to believe that…

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  • King Cobra 405623 640

    Do Snakes Pee? ( Honestly, do you know? )

    To look at, snakes may appear like one long slithery tube that couldn’t possibly have the same bodily functions as we do. But of course, they are living creatures and do have the need to eat, breathe, reproduce and expel waste. But just exactly how do they do the latter? Do snakes pee? Snakes do…

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