Do Bearded Dragons Like to be Petted? 14 ways to pick them up.

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There is a lot of debate over whether or not bearded dragons like to be petted. Some people say that they do, while others claim that they don’t enjoy being touched at all. So, what’s the truth? In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the scientific evidence and see what it has to say about bearded dragon petting behavior. We will also discuss the pros and cons of petting your beardie and offer some tips on how to do it safely and effectively.


Do Bearded Dragons Like to be Petted?


The answer to this question is still up for debate, but there is some evidence that suggests that they may enjoy it. A study published in the journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science found that bearded dragons who were frequently petted by their owners showed less stress-related behaviors than those who were not petted at all. The study also found that the beardies who were petted tended to be more relaxed and had better appetites.

So, it seems that there may be some benefits to petting your bearded dragon. However, there are also some potential risks to consider. Bearded dragons have very sensitive skin and can easily become injured if they are handled too roughly. It is important to be gentle and avoid touching their belly or tail, as these are particularly sensitive areas. If you do decide to pet your beardie, it is best to do so for short periods of time and to let them have a break in between if they seem tired or stressed.


Do bearded dragons like to be handled?


Some people believe that bearded dragons do not like to be handled, but this is not necessarily true. In fact, bearded dragons enjoy being petted and will often come out of their hiding spots when they see their owners coming. It is important to note, however, that too much handling can stress out a bearded dragon, so it is best to handle them only when necessary.


Where do bearded dragons like to be petted?


Bearded dragons like to be petted on their heads and along the sides of their bodies. Avoid petting them on their tails, as this can make them feel uncomfortable. Always be gentle when petting your bearded dragon, and never use your fingers to poke or prod them. If your bearded dragon seems agitated or stressed, stop petting him immediately.

If you’re not sure where to start, try gently scratching your beardie’s head with your fingernails. He should respond by curling up his body and relaxing into the touch. From there, you can move down his back and sides, taking care to avoid his tail. Remember: always be gentle when petting your bearded dragon! They’re not used to being handled and can become stressed or agitated if you’re too rough.

Happy bearded dragon-petting! 🙂 always take care of where and how much pressure is exerted while petting them Beardies do enjoy a good scratch behind the ears though just as much as anyone else!


The correct way to handle a bearded dragon


Bearded dragons are generally docile lizards. They enjoy being in warm environments and basking in the sun. When it comes to handling them, it is best to support their entire body. Their tails are delicate and can easily break if not handled properly. It is also important to be gentle when petting them as they can get scared easily. If you have a bearded dragon that doesn’t seem to like being handled, don’t force it. Just let it be and enjoy watching it roam around its habitat.

Bearded dragons are great pets for reptile lovers. They are low maintenance and can be easily cared for. While they are generally docile creatures, there are a few things you should keep in mind when handling them.


Here are 14 tips to take when picking up a bearded dragon:


1-support their entire body: When you pick up a bearded dragon, be sure to support their entire body. Place one hand under their chest and the other beneath their abdomen. This will help prevent them from falling and getting injured.

2-avoid sudden movements: Sudden movements can startle a bearded dragon and cause them to become stressed or scared. Move slowly and deliberately when handling them.

3-let them get used to you: Before picking up a bearded dragon, let them get used to your presence. Sit near their enclosure and talk to them in a calm voice. Allow them to approach you and sniff your hand before picking them up.

4-speak calmly and quietly: When handling a bearded dragon, speak in a calm and quiet voice. This will help keep them relaxed.

5-keep your hands clean: Be sure to wash your hands before handling a bearded dragon. This will help prevent the spread of bacteria or disease.

6-don’t hold them for too long: Bearded dragons should not be held for more than 15 minutes at a time. They need to be able to move around and explore their environment.

7-never pick them up by the tail: Never pick up a bearded dragon by their tail. This can cause serious injury to their spine.

8-put them back in their enclosure when they want to go: If a bearded dragon wants to be put down, let them go back into their enclosure. They will feel more comfortable and safe in there.

9-use both hands when possible: When picking up a bearded dragon, use both hands whenever possible. This will help prevent them from falling and getting injured.

10-be gentle and slow when petting them: Bearded dragons enjoy being petted, but it should be done gently and slowly. Avoid their tail area as this is sensitive.

11-let them climb on you if they want to: Bearded dragons may want to climb on you while you’re holding them. This is perfectly fine, just be sure to support their entire body.

12-watch out for their claws: Bearded dragons have sharp claws that can cause scratches or punctures. Be careful when handling them and avoid getting scratched.

13-dodon’t hold them too tightly: Don’t hold a bearded dragon too tightly as this can cause them stress. Just let them rest in your hand lightly.

14-put them back in their cage when they want to go back: When a bearded dragon wants to go back into their cage, let them. They will feel more comfortable and safe in there.




Following these tips will help you have a positive experience when handling a bearded dragon. Remember to be gentle, slow, and calm when interacting with them. Wash your hands before and after handling them to prevent the spread of bacteria or disease. Most importantly, let them go back into their enclosure when they want to. This will help keep them stress-free and safe.




Q. Do bearded dragons like to be petted?

A. Yes, bearded dragons enjoy being petted gently and slowly. However, they should not be held for more than 15 minutes at a time as they need to move around and explore their environment. Additionally, avoid picking them up by their tail as this can cause serious injury.


Q. Is it okay to let a bearded dragon climb on me?

A. Yes, it is perfectly fine to let a bearded dragon climb on you as long as you support their entire body. Be careful of their sharp claws and don’t hold them too tightly as this can cause stress. Let them go back into their cage when they want to.


Q. Should I wash my hands before handling a bearded dragon?

A. Yes, it is important to wash your hands before and after handling a bearded dragon to prevent the spread of bacteria or disease.


Q. How often can I hold a bearded dragon?

A. Bearded dragons should not be held for more than 15 minutes at a time as they need to move around and explore their environment. However, you can let them climb on you if they want to.


Q. What do I do if my bearded dragon wants to go back in its cage?

A. If your bearded dragon wants to go back into their cage, let them. They will feel more comfortable and safe in there. Remember not to hold them too tightly when petting them so that they don’t get stressed out.

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