Can African sideneck turtles eat fruit & Veg? & What Types

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Yes, African sideneck turtles can eat fruit. In fact, they may even enjoy it! There are many different types of fruit that turtles can eat, so you can experiment to see what your turtle likes best. Some good options include apples, bananas, grapes, and watermelon. Just be sure to chop the fruit up into small pieces so your turtle can easily chew and swallow it. And never give your turtle any citrus fruits, as these can be harmful to their health.


10 fruits that the African Sideneck turtle can eat. The health benefits and how to feed them


1. Apple

-Benefits: Contains antioxidants, helps with vision problems, boosts brain function

-How to feed: Cut into small pieces and remove the core

2. Banana

-Benefits: High in potassium and vitamin C, can help regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels, aids in weight loss

-How to feed: Peel and cut into small pieces

3. Grapes

-Benefits: Loaded with antioxidants, may help delay the onset of age-related diseases, good for cardiovascular health

-How to feed: Remove from stems and cut into small pieces

4. Melon

-Benefits: Helps maintain a healthy complexion, improves heart health, is low in calories

-How to feed: Cut into small pieces and remove seeds

5. Pineapple

-Benefits: Contains bromelain, which is an enzyme that aids in digestion, prevents cancer, and helps reduce inflammation

-How to feed: Remove the skin and cut it into small pieces

6. Papaya

-Benefits: Contains papain, a powerful digestive enzyme, contains anti-inflammatory properties, can help improve heart health

-How to feed: Remove the seeds and cut them into small pieces

7. Strawberry

-Benefits: High in antioxidants, helps improve brain function, may help prevent cancer and heart disease

-How to feed: Remove the leaves and cut them into small pieces

8. Cherry

-Benefits: Contains antioxidants, helps improve brain function, may help prevent cancer and heart disease

-How to feed: Remove the pit and cut it into small pieces

9. Kiwi

-Benefits: High in vitamin C, can help improve digestion, strengthens the immune system

-How to feed: Cut into small pieces and remove the skin

10. Watermelon

-Benefits: Contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, good for cardiovascular health, helps relieve muscle soreness after exercise

-How to feed: Cut into small pieces and remove the seeds


How often should fruit be fed?


Fruit can be fed as often as you like, but it’s generally a good idea to give your turtle a piece or two every other day. If your turtle isn’t eating enough fruits and vegetables, you may want to try offering them more often. Just be sure not to overdo it, as too much fruit can lead to health problems.


What health problems are associated with too much fruit?


Too much fruit can lead to health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. It’s important to moderate when feeding your turtle fruit and to always provide a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables.


10 vegetables that the turtle can eat. The health benefits and how to feed them


1. Broccoli

-Benefits: Contains high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants, helps improve heart health, can help reduce the risk of cancer

-How to feed: Cut into small pieces

2. Carrots

-Benefits: High in beta carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body, good for vision health, helps maintain a healthy complexion

-How to feed: Peel and chop into small pieces

3. Kale

-Benefits: Extremely high in vitamins K and A, contains antioxidants and flavonoids, may help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease

-How to feed: Cut into small pieces

4. Parsley

-Benefits: Contains high levels of antioxidants and vitamins C and K, helps improve digestion, may help reduce the risk of cancer

-How to feed: Chop into small pieces

5. Spinach

-Benefits: High in antioxidants, vitamin A, and iron, can help improve heart health, may help reduce the risk of cancer

-How to feed: Chop into small pieces

6. Swiss chard

-Benefits: Contains vitamins A, C, and K, as well as magnesium, potassium, and fiber, has anti-inflammatory properties

-How to feed: Cut into small pieces

7. Beet greens

-Benefits: Contains high levels of beta carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin C, has anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties

-How to feed: Cut into small pieces

8. Zucchini

-Benefits: Contains high levels of vitamin C and potassium, can help improve heart health and digestion

-How to feed: Peel and chop into small pieces

9. Broccoli rabe

-Benefits: Contains high levels of antioxidants, vitamins A and C, as well as calcium and magnesium, has anti-inflammatory properties

-How to feed: Cut into small pieces

10. Green beans

-Benefits: High in fiber, vitamins A and C, and manganese, can help improve heart health and digestion

-How to feed: Cut into small pieces


Why are citrus fruits dangerous for turtles?


Citrus fruits are dangerous for turtles because they contain high levels of vitamin C. This can upset the turtle’s stomach and lead to health problems. It’s best to avoid feeding your turtle citrus fruits altogether.




Feeding your African Sideneck turtle a varied and balanced diet is essential for their health and well-being. Turtles are omnivorous, so they can eat both fruits and vegetables. There are many types of fruits and vegetables that are healthy for turtles, so try to offer them a variety of different things. If your turtle isn’t eating enough fruits and vegetables, you may want to try offering them more often. Just be sure not to overdo it, as too much fruit can lead to health problems.




1. How often should fruit be fed?

Fruit can be fed as often as you like, but it’s generally a good idea to give your turtle a piece or two every other day. If your turtle isn’t eating enough fruits and vegetables, you may want to try offering them more often. Just be sure not to overdo it, as too much fruit can lead to health problems.

2. What health problems are associated with too much fruit?

Too much fruit can lead to health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. It’s important to moderate when feeding your turtle fruit and to always provide a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables.

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