Can fire belly newts live with African dwarf frogs?

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Can fire belly newts live with African dwarf frogs? This is a question that many people have been asking lately. The answer is yes, they can! Fire belly newts and African dwarf frogs make great companions for each other. They both require similar care, and they will enjoy spending time together in your tank. In this blog post, we will discuss the proper care of fire belly newts and African dwarf frogs, and we will tell you how to set up a tank that is perfect for them.




Fire belly newts and African dwarf frogs are two of the most popular amphibians kept as pets. Both species are relatively small, easy to care for and make great additions to any home aquarium.

Fire belly newts are easily recognized by their bright red bellies, which contrast sharply with their dark upper body.

These newts are semi-aquatic, meaning they need both land and water in their habitat. African dwarf frogs are completely aquatic and have brown or grey bodies with black spots.

These frogs are less active than other species of frogs, making them a good choice for beginner frog owners. Whether you’re looking for a vibrant new pet or a low-maintenance addition to your aquarium, fire belly newts and African dwarf frogs are hard to beat.


The differences between the two species


African Dwarf Frogs and Fire Belly Newts are both popular choices for pet owners looking for an aquatic friend. However, there are a few key differences between the two species that potential owners should be aware of.

African Dwarf Frogs are relatively small, only growing to be about two inches in length. They are also excellent swimmers and have the ability to climb vertical surfaces.

Fire-Belly Newts, on the other hand, are a bit larger, typically reaching three to four inches in length. They are not as good swimmers as African Dwarf Frogs and tend to spend more time crawling along the bottom of their tank.

Both species require a tank with plenty of water and hiding places, but African Dwarf Frogs also need access to a basking area where they can dry off. When it comes to diet, African Dwarf Frogs are omnivorous and will eat both plants and meat.

Fire-Belly Newts, however, are carnivorous and primarily eat insects. Overall, African Dwarf Frogs and Fire Belly Newts make great pets, but it is important to do your research to find the right one for you.


Can they live together in the same tank


It is possible for Fire Belly Newts and African Dwarf Frogs to live together in the same tank. Both species are small, and they have similar nutritional needs. They also prefer similar water conditions. African Dwarf Frogs are generally peaceful, and they should not pose a threat to the newts.

However, it is important to keep an eye on the newts, as they may try to eat the smaller frogs. If you see the newts showing signs of aggression, you may need to remove them from the tank.

Overall, Fire Belly Newts and African Dwarf Frogs can coexist peacefully if you take care to provide them with a suitable environment.


Setting up a tank habitat


If you’re thinking about setting up a tank habitat for keeping fire belly newts and African Dwarf Frogs, there are a few things you need to take into account.


  • First, it’s important to make sure that the tank is large enough to accommodate both species – fire belly newts need at least 2 gallons of water per adult, while African Dwarf Frogs need at least 5 gallons.


  • Secondly, you’ll need to provide both land and water areas in the tank so that each species can access the habitat they need.


  • Finally, it’s important to maintain the water quality in the tank – both fire belly newts and African Dwarf Frogs are sensitive to changes in water quality, so you’ll need to perform regular water changes and monitor the levels of ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates.


By following these guidelines, you can create a happy and healthy environment for your fire belly newts and African Dwarf Frogs.


Tips for keeping Fire belly newts and African Dwarf frogs


Fire belly newts and African Dwarf frogs are both popular pets, but they have very different care requirements. Here are some tips to help keep your fire belly newt or African Dwarf frog happy and healthy:

Fire belly newts need a tank with a water depth of at least 2 inches. They also require a land area where they can rest and soak up moisture. A piece of driftwood or live plants can provide this, and also help to create a naturalistic environment.

African Dwarf frogs, on the other hand, should only be kept in tanks with a water depth of 4-6 inches. They do not require a land area but benefit from the addition of live plants or Driftwood for hiding and resting.

Both species should have their tanks cleaned regularly, and freshwater added as needed.




When it comes to food, fire belly newts will eat just about anything, including pellets, freeze-dried foods, and live insects. African Dwarf frogs are primarily herbivorous and should be given a diet of pellets or freeze-dried foods designed for invertebrates. Both species should have their food supplemented with calcium to ensure proper shell or bone development.

With proper care, fire belly newts and African Dwarf frogs can make great pets. By providing them with the right habitat and diet, you can help them to stay healthy and happy for many years to come.

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