Can Gargoyle Geckos Eat Hornworms?

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If you’re a new gargoyle gecko owner, you may be wondering what kinds of food are safe for your pet. Can gargoyle geckos eat hornworms? The answer is yes, but there are some things to keep in mind. In this blog post, we will discuss the dietary needs of gargoyle geckos and provide some tips on feeding them hornworms.


Can gargoyle geckos eat hornworms?


As we mentioned, the answer is yes, gargoyle geckos can eat hornworms. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when feeding your pet hornworms. First of all, it’s important to make sure that the hornworms you’re feeding are properly gut-loaded. Gut-loading is the process of feeding insects nutritious food before they’re fed to your reptile. This ensures that your pet gets all the nutrients they need from their food.

When gut-loading hornworms, you should feed them a diet of fresh vegetables and fruits. Some good options include dark leafy greens, carrots, apples, and bananas. You’ll want to avoid feeding them high-calorie foods like corn or sweet potatoes. After they’ve been gut-loaded, you can then offer them to your gargoyle gecko.

It’s important to remember that hornworms should only be fed as an occasional treat. They are high in fat and moisture, which can lead to health problems if they’re fed too often. When feeding hornworms to your gargoyle gecko, make sure to offer a variety of other food items as well. This will help ensure that your pet is getting a well-rounded diet and avoiding any potential health problems.


What is a hornworm


A hornworm is a type of caterpillar that turns into a moth. They get their name from the “horn” that protrudes from their rear end. Hornworms are common pests in gardens, as they enjoy eating fruits and vegetables. In the wild, gargoyle geckos will sometimes eat hornworms. However, it’s important to note that these insects should only be fed as an occasional treat. This is because they are high in fat and moisture, which can lead to health problems if they’re fed too often.


Where can I source Hornworms?


Hornworms can be purchased online from a variety of reptile food suppliers. You can also find them at some pet stores, although they may be more expensive. If you have a garden, you may be able to find them there as well. Just make sure that the hornworms you’re feeding to your gargoyle gecko are properly gut-loaded (see above).


List the risks of feeding hornworms to Gargoyle Geckos


There are a few risks to consider before feeding hornworms to your gargoyle gecko. First of all, they are high in fat and moisture, which can lead to health problems if they’re fed too often. Additionally, if the hornworms you’re feeding are not properly gut-loaded, your pet may not get all the nutrients they need from their food.

Finally, hornworms can be difficult to digest, so it’s important to offer them in moderation. If you have any concerns about feeding hornworms to your pet, be sure to speak with a reptile veterinarian for more information.


5 other worms that can be fed to a gecko


Mealworms – Mealworms are a type of beetle larva that is popularly fed to reptiles. They’re high in protein and low in fat, making them a good option for gargoyle geckos.

Waxworms – Waxworms are the larvae of wax moths. They’re high in fat, so they should only be fed as an occasional treat. However, their soft bodies make them easy for gargoyle geckos to eat.

Butterworms – Butterworms are the larvae of South American moths. They get their name from their creamy-white color and waxy texture. Like waxworms, they’re high in fat and should only be fed occasionally.

Red worms – Red worms are a type of earthworm that is popularly used as bait. They’re high in protein and moisture, making them a good food source for gargoyle geckos.

Nightcrawlers – Nightcrawlers are another type of earthworm that can be fed to reptiles. They’re similar to red worms in terms of their nutritional content.

As you can see, there are a variety of different types of worms that can be fed to gargoyle geckos. Just make sure to offer them as an occasional treat and gut-load them before feeding. This will help ensure that your pet gets all the nutrients they need from their food.


5 vegetables to feed a gecko


Carrots – Carrots are a good source of beta carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is important for eye health, so feeding carrots to your gargoyle gecko can help keep their vision healthy.

Dark leafy greens – Dark leafy greens like spinach and kale are packed with nutrients. They’re a good source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as iron and calcium. Feeding dark leafy greens to your gargoyle gecko will help them get all the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

Apples – Apples are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. They can also help regulate digestion in reptiles.

Bananas – Bananas are a good source of potassium and vitamin C. They can also help with calcium absorption in reptiles.

Squash – Squash is a good source of vitamins A and C. It’s also a good source of fiber, which can help with digestion.

As you can see, there are a variety of different vegetables that can be fed to gargoyle geckos. Just make sure to offer them as part of a well-rounded diet and mix up the types of vegetables you feed to prevent your pet from getting bored.




Gargoyle geckos can eat hornworms, but they should only be fed as an occasional treat. This is because they are high in fat and moisture, which can lead to health problems if they’re fed too often. If you do choose to feed hornworms to your gargoyle gecko, make sure to gut-load them first. This will help ensure that your pet gets all the nutrients they need from their food.




Can gargoyle geckos eat hornworms?

Yes, but they should only be fed as an occasional treat. This is because they are high in fat and moisture, which can lead to health problems if they’re fed too often. If you do choose to feed hornworms to your gargoyle gecko, make sure to gut-load them first. This will help ensure that your pet gets all the nutrients they need from their food.

What are some other food options for gargoyle geckos?

There are a variety of different worms and vegetables that can be fed to gargoyle geckos. Just make sure to offer them as part of a well-rounded diet and mix up the types of food you feed to prevent your pet from getting bored.

What are some health benefits of feeding gargoyle geckos Hornworms?

Hornworms are a good source of protein and moisture, making them a good food source for gargoyle geckos. They can also help with calcium absorption in reptiles.

What are some potential risks of feeding gargoyle geckos Hornworms?

If hornworms are fed too often, they can lead to health problems due to their high fat and moisture content. It’s important to only offer them as an occasional treat and to gut-load them before feeding. This will help ensure that your pet gets all the nutrients they need from their food.

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