Can Gargoyle Geckos Swim? The Surprising Answer

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When it comes to gargoyle geckos, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions floating around. One of the most common is that these lizards cannot swim. People often think this because they have a hard time picturing how a gecko with such large feet could possibly move through the water. In this blog post, we will explore whether or not gargoyle geckos can swim, and give you the surprising answer!


Can gargoyle geckos swim?


The answer may surprise you – gargoyle geckos can in fact swim! However, they are not naturally good swimmers and it takes a lot of effort for them to stay afloat. If you put a gargoyle gecko in water, you will likely see them do one of two things. They will either try to climb out as quickly as possible, or they will float on their backs with their legs sticking up in the air.

So why can gargoyle geckos swim if they’re not built for it? It all has to do with their ability to absorb water through their skin. When these lizards are placed in water, they start taking in water through their skin which makes them heavier and causes them to sink. In order to prevent this from happening, they have to constantly move their legs to stay afloat.

While gargoyle geckos can technically swim, it is not something that they enjoy and it is not something that we recommend you do to your pet lizard. If you must put your gargoyle gecko in water, make sure that you are there to supervise and that you remove them as soon as possible.

Swimming is a lot of work for these lizards and it can be very stressful, so it’s best to avoid it if at all possible. Thanks for reading! We hope this helped clear up any misconceptions about gargoyle geckos and their swimming abilities.


Will they drown?


No, gargoyle geckos will not drown if they are placed in water. As we mentioned before, these lizards can absorb water through their skin which helps them to stay afloat. However, this is a lot of work for them and it can be very stressful, so we don’t recommend that you put your pet lizard in water unless you are there to supervise and can remove them as soon as possible.




In conclusion, gargoyle geckos can swim but they are not naturally good swimmers. If you must put your pet lizard in water, make sure that you are there to supervise and that you remove them as soon as possible. Swimming is a lot of work for these lizards and it can be very stressful, so it’s best to avoid it if at all possible. Thanks for reading! We hope this helped clear up any misconceptions about gargoyle geckos and their swimming abilities.




-Can gargoyle geckos drown?

No, gargoyle geckos will not drown if they are placed in water. As we mentioned before, these lizards can absorb water through their skin which helps them to stay afloat. However, this is a lot of work for them and it can be very stressful, so we don’t recommend that you put your pet lizard in water unless you are there to supervise and can remove them as soon as possible.

-Do gargoyle geckos like swimming?

No, gargoyle geckos do not enjoy swimming and it is not something that we recommend you do to your pet lizard. If you must put your gargoyle gecko in water, make sure that you are there to supervise and that you remove them as soon as possible. Swimming is a lot of work for these lizards and it can be very stressful, so it’s best to avoid it if at all possible.

-Can I put my gargoyle gecko in the pool?

No, we do not recommend putting your gargoyle gecko in the pool. Pool water is usually chlorinated which can be harmful to your lizard, and the sides of the pool are often too slippery for them to climb out. If you must put your gargoyle gecko in water, make sure that it is freshwater from a bucket or container and that you remove them as soon as possible.

-Can I put my gargoyle gecko in the bathtub?

Yes, you can put your gargoyle gecko in the bathtub as long as you are there to supervise and can remove them as soon as possible. We do not recommend letting them swim for extended periods of time as this can be very stressful for them.




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