Category: Lizards

  • What Happens When Lizards Lose Their Tails?

    What Happens When Lizards Lose Their Tails?

    If you own a lizard, the chances are that, at some point, your reptile companion will lose their tail. This is known as autotomy and is a defense mechanism used by lizards to escape from predators. But what happens when lizards lose their tails? Does it hurt them? Is there anything owners should be aware…

  • Where Do Lizards Go in the Winter?

    Where Do Lizards Go in the Winter?

    If you’re a pet owner, you may wonder what happens to lizards in the winter. Do they hibernate? Migrate? Or do something else entirely? The answer is that it depends on the lizard species and where they live. So let’s explore how different lizards survive the cold winter months.   Where do lizards go in…

  • Do Lizards Have Bones? The Science Behind This Fascinating Reptile

    Do Lizards Have Bones? The Science Behind This Fascinating Reptile

    We’ve all heard that lizards are reptiles, but do you know exactly how this unique creature is put together? Knowing a bit more about the anatomy of a lizard can help pet owners better understand and care for their pets. So let’s look at what makes up a lizard and answer the question, “do lizards…

  • Are Monitor Lizards Good Pets? Pros & Cons

    Are Monitor Lizards Good Pets? Pros & Cons

    Monitor lizards, also known as “monitors” or “goannas,” are some of the world’s most unique and exciting animals. They come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, making them an attractive pet option for those looking for something more exotic than a dog or cat. But before you get your heart set on bringing home one…

  • Do Lizards Seek Revenge? You Will Be Surprised

    Do Lizards Seek Revenge? You Will Be Surprised

    Both wild and domesticated, Lizards are often thought of as cold-blooded, emotionless creatures. But if you own a lizard as a pet, you may have noticed that they seem to remember things—like being mistreated or handled roughly—and you may wonder if they can take revenge. Let’s explore this question and see what science says about…

  • Understanding How Lizards Die Naturally

    Understanding How Lizards Die Naturally

    For anyone who owns a pet lizard, it’s essential to understand the natural life cycle of these reptiles. Knowing how lizards die naturally will help you understand what to expect from your pet and recognize when it may be time to say goodbye. So let’s look at the common causes of death in lizards.  …