Category: Lizards

  • Understanding How Lizards Die Naturally

    Understanding How Lizards Die Naturally

    For anyone who owns a pet lizard, it’s essential to understand the natural life cycle of these reptiles. Knowing how lizards die naturally will help you understand what to expect from your pet and recognize when it may be time to say goodbye. So let’s look at the common causes of death in lizards.  …

  • Can Lizards Drink Tea? The Surprising Answer

    Can Lizards Drink Tea? The Surprising Answer

    As a lizard pet owner, you may have wondered if lizards can drink tea. It’s understandable – after all, it’s not every day that you get asked if you can give your pet a cup of your favorite beverage. The good news is that the answer is yes. But there are some caveats – let’s…

  • Do Lizards Bite Clothing? A Guide for Reptile Pet Owners

    Do Lizards Bite Clothing? A Guide for Reptile Pet Owners

    Reptiles, such as lizards, make for fascinating and rewarding pets. However, many reptile pet owners have questions about how their pets will interact with everyday items, like clothing. For example, if you’re considering adopting a reptile or already own one, it’s essential to know whether or not lizards bite clothes. Let’s take a look at…

  • The Pros and Cons of Using Play Sand for Lizards

    The Pros and Cons of Using Play Sand for Lizards

    If you are considering using play sand as a substrate for your reptile pet, there are a few factors to consider. Play sand is becoming increasingly popular among lizard owners due to its cost-effectiveness and ease of use. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages to using play sand, so let’s take a deeper look…

  • Color-Changing Reptiles – The Amazing Adaptations of Lizards

    Color-Changing Reptiles – The Amazing Adaptations of Lizards

    Have you ever heard of a reptile that can change its skin color? It’s true! Certain lizards can switch from one color or pattern to another to blend in with their environment. This remarkable adaptation is known as “metachrosis,” There are some fantastic examples of this phenomenon in the lizard world. Let’s take a look…

  • The Color-Changing Abilities of Monitor Lizards

    The Color-Changing Abilities of Monitor Lizards

    Monitors, also known as monitor lizards, are a family of reptiles native to Africa and Asia. These ancient creatures come in all shapes and sizes, from the tiny Namaqua Dwarf Monitor to the massive Komodo Dragon. But they all have in common their ability to change color. So how do these lizards do it? First,…