Category: Snakes

  • Do Snakes Pee? ( Honestly, do you know? )

    Do Snakes Pee? ( Honestly, do you know? )

    To look at, snakes may appear like one long slithery tube that couldn’t possibly have the same bodily functions as we do. But of course, they are living creatures and do have the need to eat, breathe, reproduce and expel waste. But just exactly how do they do the latter? Do snakes pee? Snakes do…

  • Do Snakes Have Feelings? ( Can you upset them)

    Do Snakes Have Feelings? ( Can you upset them)

    Snakes have something of a bad reputation when it comes to being friendly and emotional. Behind that cold glare, there is a living creature so surely, they must be able to feel something? If you are a pet owner, you may have wondered whether your snake will emotionally bond with you, feel sad, angry, or…

  • Can Snakes Breathe Underwater?

    Can Snakes Breathe Underwater?

    There are thousands of species of snakes in the world and some of these live in the water; sea snakes being a prime example of this. However, many snakes are terrestrial but it isn’t uncommon to see one entering the water from time to time. But can snakes breathe underwater? Snakes cannot breathe underwater in…

  • Do Snakes Eat Cats ( Is your cat safe? )

    Do Snakes Eat Cats ( Is your cat safe? )

    Animal lovers all over the world keep pet cats; they are one of the most common household pets. However, if you have a passion for pets, you will most likely want to keep more than just a single cat. Snakes are a great pet for those who want something a little different to your typical…

  • Do Snakes Blink? ( Eyes and Blinking )

    Do Snakes Blink? ( Eyes and Blinking )

    If you have ever spent time watching your pet snake, you may have noticed that its eyes appear unmoving. You may have also wondered why these animals never seem to close their eyes; surely they get very dry and uncomfortable? A question that we are often asked is do snakes blink? No, they don’t because…

  • What Do Pet Snakes Eat? ( Beginners Guide )

    What Do Pet Snakes Eat? ( Beginners Guide )

    There are more than 3000 species of snake in the world and more than 600 of these are considered to be venomous. Out of this huge number of slithery friends, many species can be successfully kept as pets. But one of the most important parts of caring for a snake is that owners ensure their…