Does water kill lizards? Is Water Bad for Lizards?

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If you’re a guinea pig owner, you may have noticed that lizards can sometimes be found around your pet’s cage. Of course, these reptiles sometimes wander in from the outdoors, but they also make their way into your home because they are attracted to the water sources that may be available. But does water kill lizards? Let’s take a look.


Does water kill lizards?


Water is an essential element for various organisms, including the common lizard.

Although lizards have a relatively low body temperature and can tolerate cold temperatures, long periods in water can cause hypothermia leading to death.

It should also be noted that when submerged without access to oxygen, lizards will suffocate quickly and die from asphyxiation.

Furthermore, depending on the lizard species, shallow water depths may not be enough for them to swim efficiently or avoid predators.

For this reason, if left exposed to any significant amount of water, lizards are likely to drown or become stressed, resulting in death.

As such, it can be said that while water does not necessarily ‘kill’ lizards per se, it is certainly possible that it could lead to their demise.


The Relationship Between Water and Lizards


Water can be bad for lizards, but it depends on several factors.

The most crucial factor is the species of lizard you are dealing with. Some species of lizards do not do well when exposed to high humidity or damp environments.

They become stressed and more ill-prone if they remain in these conditions for too long.

In addition, some species of lizards are aquatic, meaning they live in or around bodies of water and require a lot of moisture to survive.

For these types of lizards, too little water can also be deadly since it deprives them of necessary hydration and nutrients.

So, depending on the type of lizard you find in your home, it might either benefit from or suffer from being near a water source.


Other Factors to Consider


When it comes to keeping lizards out of your home, there are other factors besides water sources.

Lizards love warm temperatures and often seek places to bask in the sun’s rays; this means that if you have an area around your home that gets plenty of sunlight during certain times of day, this could be an attractant for lizards as well.

Additionally, any food source, such as fruit trees or pet food, could also draw them in.




In conclusion, while water can be dangerous for certain types of lizards (especially those living in aquatic environments), it is by no means the only factor worth considering when trying to keep these reptiles away from your home and guinea pig cage area. Keeping areas around your house well-maintained (free from food sources and potential sun-basking spots) will help deter them as much as possible —and always remember to check for any signs that one has made its way into your space.

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