Should You Get a Shingleback Lizard as a Pet?

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The unique and exciting shingle-back lizard might be a good choice if you consider getting a pet. But before you leap, there are some essential things to consider. So let’s take a closer look at what it takes to care for these unusual reptiles so that you can decide if they’re right for you.


Are shingle-back lizards good pets?


Shingle-back lizards can make excellent pets, but prospective owners must ensure that all their needs are met before bringing one home.

These clever lizards require a well-ventilated habitat with an adequate heating and humidity system and plenty of space to explore.

Additionally, they will need a varied and balanced diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, insects, and occasional meat dishes.

Although many people assume that shingle-backs must remain in their enclosure most of the time, owners should dedicate several hours each week to providing them with quality outside-the-cage time to stimulate their physical and mental development.

With proper maintenance and care, these beautiful creatures can provide many years of company and educational opportunities while helping reduce stress levels in any household.


Habitat Requirements


Shingleback lizards are native to Australia and live in dry habitats like deserts or woodlands. As such, their enclosure should mimic this environment as closely as possible.

The enclosure should be large enough for the lizard to move around without feeling cramped, with plenty of hiding spots to retreat from stressors like bright lights and loud noises.

The substrate should be sand or soil with rocks and logs scattered throughout. It should also have plenty of UVB light and heat lamps to keep your lizard healthy.


Dietary Needs


In the wild, shingle-back lizards primarily eat insects such as crickets, grasshoppers, mealworms, waxworms, and other live bugs.

They need these same types of protein-rich foods in captivity as well. Additionally, they should have access to fresh vegetables like kale or dandelion leaves for extra nutrition. Some owners even give their lizards fresh fruit on occasion as a treat.

Make sure to dust their food with calcium powder twice weekly to ensure proper bone growth and health.




Overall, shingle-back lizards are docile creatures that make excellent pets for first-time reptile owners willing to learn about their needs and meet them consistently over time.

They tend to be quite curious when exploring their enclosures but generally don’t require too much handling—they prefer being left alone most of the time rather than being constantly handled by humans.

However, they enjoy being held occasionally once they get used to your presence.




If you’re looking for an exciting pet that requires minimal handling yet still provides companionship, then a shingle-back lizard may be the perfect fit. Though they require special care due to their unique habitat requirements, diet needs, and temperament preferences, these lizards can make great additions to any household with the proper setup. So why not consider giving one (or two!) of these fantastic creatures a loving home today?

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