What Can Live With Fire Belly Newts? A Complete Guide

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Fire belly newts are a popular pet choice for many people. They are interesting to watch and relatively easy to care for. But what can you actually keep with them? In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of animals that can live with fire belly newts and provide some tips on how to make sure they have the best possible environment.




Fire belly newts are a popular choice for many first-time amphibian owners. These small, colorful creatures are relatively easy to care for and make a great addition to any home. But what other animals can live peacefully with fire belly newts?

One option is to choose another type of newt. Many newts are very social creatures and do well in pairs or small groups. However, it’s important to do your research before adding any new pets to your tank. Some newt species can be aggressive, and you don’t want your fire belly newts to become lunch.

Another option is to add some fish to the tank. Many fish are compatible with newts, and they can help to keep the tank clean. Just be sure to avoid any fish that might see your newts as a tasty snack. Goldfish, for example, are known for their voracious appetites and should not be kept with newts.

With a little careful planning, you can create a diverse and thriving environment for your fire belly newts. By choosing the right tank mates, you can provide them with the best possible care – and ensure that everyone gets along swimmingly.


What can live with fire belly newts?


While fire belly newts are relatively low-maintenance pets, there are a few things to consider before adding them to your home.


  • First, fire belly newts are extremely sensitive to their environment, so it’s important to create a habitat that meets their specific needs.


  • Second, fire belly newts require a diet of live insects, so you’ll need to be comfortable with feeding them live food.


  • Finally, fire belly newts should only be kept with other peaceful species that won’t bully or harass them. With that said, here are a few suggested tank mates for fire belly newts:


  • – African dwarf frogs: These small frogs are gentle and non-aggressive, making them ideal tank mates for shy or timid newts. Plus, they have a similar diet, so you won’t have to worry about feeding them separately.


  • – Ghost shrimp: These little shrimp are not only peaceful but also very active, providing plenty of entertainment for your newt. They’re also an excellent source of food, as newts will often snack on them. Just make sure to get ghost shrimp that are too large to be eaten whole.


  • – Nerite snails: These beautiful snails are excellent algae eaters and make a lovely addition to any tank. They’re also very peaceful, so they won’t bother your newt.


  • – Guppies: These colorful fish are a popular choice for many aquarists. They’re relatively easy to care for and make a great addition to any community tank. Just be sure to get only male guppies, as the females can be quite aggressive.


By choosing the right tank mates, you can provide your fire belly newt with the best possible care. With a little research and planning, you can create a thriving environment that everyone will enjoy.


What not to keep with Fire Belly Newts


There are a few creatures that should not be kept with fire belly newts for various reasons.

The first is other amphibians, as they can often carry diseases that newts are susceptible to. In addition, many amphibians are also good climbers and may escape from their tank, which could lead to them being injured or even killed.

Another creature that should not be kept with fire belly newts is large breeds of fish. For example, Angel Fish despite their appealing appearance is horribly aggressive and territorial and will continually nip at other tank inhabitants.

Finally, it is also important to avoid keeping newts with reptiles, as reptiles can often be carriers of salmonella. Overall, it is best to err on the side of caution and only keep fire belly newts with other creatures that pose no threat to their health and wellbeing.


A guide to tank sizes


When it comes to choosing a tank for your fire belly newts, there are a few factors to consider.

First, you will need to decide how many newts you want to keep.

A good rule of thumb is to allow for about 10 gallons of water per newt. In addition, you will need to take into account the size and activity level of your other tank mates.

If you are keeping fish, plan on using an additional 10 gallons of water for each fish. If you are keeping amphibians or reptiles, they will need their own tanks.

In general, it is best to err on the side of caution and choose a larger tank than you think you will need. This will give your newts plenty of room to move around and stay healthy.


Creating the best environment for fire belly newts


Fire belly newts are a popular choice for beginner reptile enthusiasts, but they require some specific care in order to thrive. Here are a few tips for creating the best environment for your fire belly newt:


  • First, it is important to provide a large enough tank. A single newt can be housed in a 10-gallon tank, but you will need at least a 20-gallon tank if you plan on keeping more than one.


  • Second, make sure the tank includes both land and water areas. Fire belly newts need to be able to climb out of the water to rest and dry off, so provide them with plenty of rocks or other hiding places.


  • Third, the water should be filtered and changed regularly.


  • Fourth, the temperature should be kept fairly cool, between 68 and 74 degrees Fahrenheit.


  • Lastly, fire belly newts are highly sensitive to chemicals, so avoid using harsh cleaners or chemicals in their tank.


By following these simple tips, you can create a safe and healthy environment for your fire belly newt.




When considering what to put with your new fire belly newt, there are a few things you need to take into account. Primarily, you’ll want to make sure that the other animals you’re putting in the tank can live in the same water conditions as the newt. This means that they should be able to tolerate the same temperature and pH level. Additionally, it’s important to choose tank mates that won’t try to eat your newt. Smaller fish are generally a good choice, as long as they’re not aggressive. shrimp and snails are also good options. As long as you do your research and create a compatible environment, you can have a great time watching your new fire belly newt explore its new home.

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