What Do You Call a Snake Catcher? A Guide To Snake Catching

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A snake catcher is commonly known as a herpetologist or a snake wrangler.

Snake catchers are individuals who specialize in the capture and removal of snakes from residential, commercial, and public areas.

These professionals are trained to handle different species of snakes, including venomous and non-venomous ones. Snake catchers are essential in ensuring public safety and the protection of wildlife.

Understanding the roles and responsibilities of a snake catcher is crucial in comprehending their importance in society.

Snake catchers are responsible for identifying the snake species, assessing its danger level, and safely removing it from the area.

They also educate the public on preventing snake encounters and what to do in an emergency. In addition, snake catchers play a vital role in preserving the ecosystem by relocating snakes to their natural habitats.


Key Takeaways

  • Snake catchers are professionals trained to capture and remove snakes from different areas.
  • Their roles include identifying snake species, assessing danger levels, and educating the public.
  • Snake catchers also play a crucial role in preserving the ecosystem by relocating snakes to their natural habitats.


Roles and Responsibilities of a Snake Catcher


Snake catchers specialize in capturing and relocating snakes to safer and more suitable habitats. They play an essential role in protecting both humans and snakes from harm. The following are the roles and responsibilities of a snake catcher:


Identifying and Capturing Snakes


Snake catchers must be able to identify different species of snakes and their behavior. They use specialized tools and techniques to capture snakes without harming them. They also ensure that the snakes are relocated to safe and suitable habitats.


Educating the Public


Snake catchers educate the public about snakes, their behavior, and how to avoid encounters with them. They also provide information on what to do if someone encounters a snake and how to prevent snake bites.


Responding to Emergencies


Snake catchers respond to emergency calls from the public and other agencies. They must be available to respond quickly and efficiently to prevent harm to humans and snakes.


Maintaining Equipment and Records


Snake catchers must maintain their equipment and keep accurate records of their activities. They must ensure that their equipment is in good condition and always ready for use. They also keep records of the snakes they capture, their species, and their location.


Following Safety Protocols


Snake catchers follow strict safety protocols to prevent harm to themselves and others. They wear protective gear, such as gloves and boots, and use specialized tools to capture snakes safely.

In conclusion, snake catchers are vital in protecting humans and snakes. They must be knowledgeable, skilled, and committed to their work to ensure the safety of all parties involved.


Types of Snake Catchers


Snake catchers are professionals who specialize in catching and relocating snakes. There are different types of snake catchers, each with its methods and techniques for handling snakes.


Wildlife Rescue Snake Catchers


Wildlife rescue snake catchers are professionals who work with wildlife rescue organizations. They are trained to handle and relocate snakes humanely and safely.

They use specialized tools and techniques to capture snakes without causing harm and are trained to identify different species of snakes and their behaviors.


Pest Control Snake Catchers


Pest control snake catchers are professionals who work with pest control companies. They are trained to handle and remove snakes from residential and commercial properties.

They use specialized tools and techniques to capture and remove snakes and are trained to identify different species of snakes and their behaviors.


Traditional Snake Charmers


Traditional snake charmers are individuals who use snakes for entertainment purposes. They are not trained professionals, and their methods of handling snakes can be dangerous and harmful to the snakes. In many countries, traditional snake charming has been banned due to concerns for animal welfare.


Snake Enthusiasts


Snake enthusiasts keep snakes as pets or have a general interest in snakes. They may not be trained professionals but they have knowledge and experience handling and caring for snakes. Snake enthusiasts may also be involved in snake conservation and education efforts.

In conclusion, there are different types of snake catchers, each with its methods and techniques for handling snakes. Wildlife rescue and pest control snake catchers are trained professionals who use humane and safe methods to capture and relocate snakes.

In contrast, traditional snake charmers use snakes for entertainment purposes and may not use safe methods. Snake enthusiasts may not be trained professionals, but they have knowledge and experience handling and caring for snakes.


Tools and Equipment Used by Snake Catchers


Snake catchers require specific tools and equipment to safely and effectively capture snakes. Here are some of the most commonly used tools and equipment:


Snake Tongs


Snake tongs are a long-handled tool with a pincer-like mechanism at the end. They are used to gently grip the snake’s body without harming it, allowing the snake catcher to safely move it to a more suitable location.


Snake Hooks


Snake hooks are long-handled tools with curved ends. They are used to gently lift and move the snake without causing harm. Snake hooks are handy for handling venomous snakes, allowing the snake catcher to keep a safe distance.


Snake Bags


Snake bags are made of soft, breathable material and are used to contain captured snakes safely. Snake catchers place the snake in the bag and tie it closed before transporting it to a new location.


Protective Clothing


Snake catchers often wear protective clothing to prevent bites and scratches. This can include gloves, boots, and long-sleeved shirts and pants made of thick, durable material.


First Aid Kit


Snake catchers should always carry a first aid kit in an emergency. The kit should include bandages, antiseptic, and a snake bite kit.

In conclusion, snake catchers use various tools and equipment to capture and transport snakes safely. By using these tools and taking proper precautions, snake catchers can ensure their safety and the snakes they handle.


Training and Certification for Snake Catchers


Snake catching is a dangerous job that requires specialized skills and knowledge. To become a snake catcher, one needs to undergo extensive training and obtain certification.

Various organizations, including wildlife conservation groups, government agencies, and private companies, offer training programs for snake catchers.

These programs cover snake behavior, identification, handling, and release topics. Trainees are also taught about safety measures and equipment necessary for the job.

After completing the training program, aspiring snake catchers must obtain certification from a recognized authority.

Certification requirements vary by region but typically involve passing a written exam and demonstrating practical skills in snake handling.

Certified snake catchers must adhere to strict guidelines and regulations when handling snakes. They must use proper equipment and techniques to ensure their and the snakes’ safety. In addition, they must follow ethical standards and respect the natural habitat of the snakes they catch.

Becoming a certified snake catcher requires dedication, hard work, and a passion for wildlife conservation. It is a rewarding career that allows individuals to impact their communities and the environment positively.


Challenges Faced by Snake Catchers


Snake catching is a dangerous and challenging job requiring much skill and experience. Snake catchers face several challenges every day, including:

1. Risk of injury

Snake catchers are at high risk of being bitten by venomous snakes. Even with protective gear, snake bites can be fatal. Snake catchers must be extremely careful when handling snakes and be trained to recognize different types of snakes and their behaviors.

2. Lack of support

Snake catchers often work alone, without any backup or support. This can be incredibly challenging when dealing with large or aggressive snakes. Snake catchers must think on their feet and make quick decisions to avoid injury or death.

3. Difficulty finding work

Snake catching is not well-known or widely recognized, and many snake catchers struggle to find work. This can be incredibly challenging in areas with few snakes or where people are unaware of the importance of snake catchers.

4. Lack of resources

Snake catchers often work with limited resources, including equipment and transportation. This can make it difficult to capture and transport snakes safely and make it challenging to find and catch snakes in the first place.

5. Misunderstandings and misconceptions

Many people fear snakes and do not understand the importance of snake catchers. Snake catchers may face hostility or skepticism from the public, making it difficult to do their job effectively.

It is essential for snake catchers to educate the public about the importance of their work and to dispel any misconceptions or myths about snakes.


Snake Catching Techniques


When it comes to catching snakes, a few techniques are commonly used. These techniques require skill, patience, and a steady hand to work safely and effectively to catch the snake.

One technique uses a snake hook, a long pole with a hook on the end. The hook gently lifts the snake off the ground and controls its movements. This technique is often used when relocating a snake to a new location.

Another technique is using tongs, similar to snake hooks, but with two flat plates instead of a hook. The plates are used to grab the snake behind the head and safely lift it off the ground. This technique is often used when removing a snake from a confined space.

A third technique is using a trap that captures the snake without harming it. The trap is baited with food, and the snake enters it, triggering a mechanism that closes the door behind it. This technique is often used when dealing with a snake infestation.

Regardless of the technique used, it is essential to approach the snake slowly and calmly to avoid startling it. It is also essential to wear protective clothing and equipment, such as gloves and goggles, to avoid being bitten.

Using these techniques and following safety precautions, snake catchers can safely and effectively remove snakes from any location.


Legalities and Ethics in Snake Catching


When it comes to catching snakes, legal and ethical considerations must be considered. In many places, it is illegal to capture or kill certain species of snakes, and specific regulations must be followed when handling them.

One important consideration is the use of proper equipment. Snake catchers should have the appropriate tools, such as snake tongs and hooks, to safely and humanely capture the snake without harming it or themselves.

It is important to note that some snakes are venomous and dangerous, so proper training and protective gear should be used when handling them.

In addition to legal considerations, there are also ethical considerations to remember.

Snake catchers should always prioritize the safety and well-being of the snake and the safety of any people or animals in the vicinity.

It is essential to release the snake safely away from human populations and avoid causing unnecessary harm or stress to the animal.

Overall, snake catching can be a valuable service for communities, but it is essential to approach it with knowledge, respect, and care for the legal and ethical considerations involved.




In conclusion, snake catchers play an essential role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems and ensuring the safety of humans and animals. They are skilled professionals who use their knowledge and expertise to capture and relocate snakes without harming them.

Snake catchers may go by different names depending on their region. In Australia, they are called “snake handlers” or “snake wranglers.” They are known as “snake rescuers” or “snake catchers” in India. In the United States, they may be called “snake removal experts” or “snake trappers.”

Regardless of the name, snake catchers are highly trained individuals who deeply understand snake behavior and biology. They use various techniques and tools to safely capture snakes, including hooks, tongs, and traps.

It is important to note that snake catchers should always be contacted in the event of a snake sighting or encounter. Attempting to capture or handle a snake alone can be dangerous and should never be attempted. Instead, call a professional snake catcher who can safely and effectively remove the snake from the area.

Overall, snake catchers are an essential part of wildlife management and public safety. Their expertise and dedication to their craft ensure that snakes are safely relocated and that humans and animals can coexist peacefully.


Frequently Asked Questions


What do you call someone who catches snakes?

A person who catches snakes is commonly known as a snake catcher. They are also called serpent wranglers, reptile handlers, or snake removers.


What is the history of snake catching?


Snake catching has been practiced for centuries, with evidence of snake handling dating back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt and Greece. In modern times, snake catching has become a profession, with many individuals specializing in removing and relocating snakes.


What tools are best for catching snakes?


The most commonly used tools for catching snakes include snake tongs, hooks, and bags. Snake tongs grab the snake’s body, while snake hooks lift and move the snake gently. Snake bags are used to transport the snake to a new location safely.


How do you safely catch a snake?


To safely catch a snake, wearing protective clothing and gear, such as gloves and boots, is important. It is also essential to approach the snake slowly and calmly, avoiding sudden movements that may startle it. Snake tongs or hooks should be used to grab the snake’s body, and the snake should be gently lifted and moved to a new location.


Are snake grabbers effective?


Snake grabbers, also known as snake tongs, are effective for catching snakes. They allow the snake to be safely grabbed and moved without causing harm to the snake or the person handling it.


How can you keep snakes out of your home?


To keep snakes out of your home, it is essential to seal any cracks or gaps in the foundation or walls of your home. Keeping your yard clean and debris-free would be best, as snakes are attracted to areas with tall grass and clutter. Removing potential food sources, such as rodents, can help deter snakes from entering your home.

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