Why Do Snake Handlers Use Poles With Open-Ended Hooks?

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If you’ve ever wondered why snake handlers use poles with open-ended hooks, the answer is actually pretty simple. The hooks help them to grab onto the snakes without getting bitten! In this blog post, we will discuss the reason behind this unusual practice and explore some of the other methods that are used to catch snakes. Stay safe out there, snake handlers.




Snake handlers use poles with open-ended hooks for a variety of reasons.

  • First, it allows them to keep a safe distance from the snake.


  • Second, it gives them greater control over the snake, which is important when trying to capture or relocate it.


  • Third, the pole can be used to help guide the snake into a bag or container for transport.


  • Finally, the open-ended hook prevents the snake from wrapping its body around the pole, which could lead to the snake being injured or even killed.

While there are some risks associated with using this type of equipment, snake handlers believe that the benefits far outweigh the risks.


The history of snake handling and how it originated


Snake handling is a practice with a long and complex history. Though its origins are unclear, it is thought to have emerged in the early 20th century within certain Pentecostal churches in the southern United States.

There are a variety of theories about how and why snake handling began, but the most commonly cited story is that of George Hensley, a preacher from Tennessee who is said to have been bitten by a snake while preaching in 1909.

Inspired by a passage from the Gospel of Mark, Hensley began to view snake bites as a test of faith, and he began to encourage his congregation to handle snakes as part of their worship.

Over time, snake-handling spread to other Pentecostal churches, and it remains a controversial practice today. Though there are some who see it as a genuine expression of faith, others view it as a dangerous and foolish act.

Regardless of one’s opinion, there is no denying that snake handling is a unique and fascinating part of American religious history.


How to safely handle a snake using a pole with an open-ended hook


If you encounter a snake in the wild, it is important to exercise caution. Although most snakes are not poisonous, they can still deliver a painful bite. The best way to safely handle a snake is to use a pole with an open-ended hook.

First, extend the pole towards the snake and gently prod it until the snake moves onto the hook.

Then, carefully lift the pole into the air and transport the snake to a safe location away from humans.

When releasing the snake, be sure to do so in an area where it will not pose a threat to people or pets.

By following these simple steps, you can safely remove a snake from your property without putting yourself at risk.



What to do if you encounter a snake in the wild

If you encounter a snake in the wild, it is important to stay calm and avoid sudden movements. Snakes are often more afraid of humans than we are of them, and they will usually only attack if they feel threatened.

If you must move, do so slowly and carefully. Avoid touching the snake, and don’t try to pick it up. If you see a snake in your path, the best thing to do is simply walk around it.

If you are bitten by a snake, seek medical attention immediately. Even if the bite does not seem serious, it can still be dangerous.

Be sure to identify the type of snake so that medical staff can provide the appropriate treatment. With proper care, most snake bites are relatively harmless.

However, it is always best to err on the side of caution when dealing with these creatures.


The benefits of snake handling and why more people should learn how to do it


Snake handling is a skill that has many benefits.

  • First, it can be used to safely remove snakes from an area. This is especially useful for people who live in areas where snakes are a common problem.


  • Second, snake-handling can be used to protect livestock from predators.


  • Snakes are often attracted to areas where there are animals, and they can kill and eat them. By handling the snake, the farmer can protect their animals from being harmed.


  • Finally, snake-handling can be used to collect venom for medical use. Venom is often used in antivenom, which is used to treat people who have been bitten by a poisonous snake.

By learning how to handle snakes, more people can be helped.


The dangers of snake handling and why it’s not for everyone


Snake handling is often seen as a daredevil stunt or a way to prove one’s bravery.

However, there are very real dangers associated with this activity.

  • First, snakes are unpredictable creatures, and even the most experienced handler can be bitten.


  • Secondly, snake venom can cause serious medical problems, and antivenom may not be readily available in all areas.


  • Finally, many snakes are protected by law, and it is illegal to remove them from the wild without a permit.


As a result, snake-handling should only be undertaken by experienced professionals who are aware of the risks involved. For everyone else, it is best to admire these amazing creatures from a safe distance.





The open-ended hook is the safest way to handle a snake. It allows the handler to control the snake’s head without fear of being bitten, and it minimizes the risk of harming the snake. Additionally, the open-ended hook can be used to pick up the snake from a distance, which is often necessary when handling large snakes. The pole also provides the handler with additional leverage, making it easier to control the snake. Overall, the open-ended hook is the best tool for safely handling snakes.

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