What Does It Mean When a Crested Gecko Opens Its Mouth?

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When you see your crested gecko open its mouth, what does it mean? Is it happy? Is it scared? What is going on inside that little head of theirs? In this blog post, we will discuss the different things that your crested gecko might be trying to tell you when it opens its mouth. We will also provide some tips on how to properly care for your crested gecko so that they stay healthy and happy!

Crested geckos are native to Madagascar and can be found in a variety of colors and patterns. They are a popular pet choice because they are relatively low maintenance and can live for up to 20 years with proper care!


The reasons why it opens its mouth


One of the most common reasons why your crested gecko might open its mouth is because it is trying to regulate its body temperature. Crested geckos are ectothermic, meaning that they rely on their environment to regulate their body temperature. If your crested gecko is too cold, you might see them open their mouth in order to warm up. Likewise, if your crested gecko is too hot, it might open its mouth in an attempt to cool down.

If you see your crested gecko open its mouth and panting, it is important to take action immediately. This is a sign that your crested gecko is in distress and needs help! Check the temperature of their enclosure and make sure that it is within the proper range for their species. If you are not sure what the proper range is, consult with a professional or do some research online.

Another reason why your crested gecko might open its mouth is that it is feeling threatened. When cresties feel scared or threatened, they will often open their mouth wide in an attempt to intimidate whatever it is that they are afraid of. If you see your crested gecko doing this, try to remove whatever it is that is causing them to feel scared. This could be another animal in the same enclosure, a loud noise, or even something as simple as a new piece of furniture in the room.

If your crested gecko is constantly opening its mouth and you are not sure why it is important to take them to see a veterinarian. There could be an underlying health condition that is causing this behavior and it is important to get them checked out so that they can receive the proper treatment.


What is the correct temperature to keep a Crested Gecko tank at?


A Crested Gecko should have a basking area of 88-90 degrees Fahrenheit and a cool side of 75-78 degrees. A thermometer is the best way to monitor temperatures. Basking lamps are available at most pet stores and will work well to keep your gecko at the correct temperature. If you live in an area that has colder winters, you may need to use a space heater to maintain the proper tank temperature. Consult with a professional before making any changes to your Crested Gecko’s environment. Temperature is crucial for their health!


What other animals can be housed with a Crested Gecko?


A Crested Gecko can be housed with other small lizards such as Anoles, Skinks, and Iguanas. They can also be housed with small rodents such as gerbils or hamsters. Do not house a Crested Gecko with any animals that have a long tail, as they may become prey. When choosing an animal to live with your gecko, always do your research and make sure that the two species are compatible! A veterinarian can also help you choose the right companion for your Crested Gecko.

Crested Geckos should not be housed with snakes or birds of prey due to potential predation. Additionally, large spiders and insects may also be viewed as predators by a crested gecko. When in doubt, always consult with a professional! Crested geckos make great pets when properly cared for!


10 tips to keep your Crested Gecko happy and healthy


Here are ten tips to keep your Crested Gecko happy and healthy:

Provide a proper enclosure: Crested Geckos need a spacious tank that is at least 20 gallons in size. The tank should have plenty of hiding spots and vertical space for climbing.

Maintain the correct temperature: as mentioned above, Crested Geckos need a basking area of 88-90 degrees Fahrenheit and a cool side of 75-78 degrees. A thermometer is the best way to monitor temperatures.

Provide adequate lighting: Crested Geckos need 12 hours of light per day. This can be provided with either natural sunlight or artificial lighting. Be sure to avoid any harsh light that could potentially damage their eyes.

Give them a place to hide: Crested Geckos feel safest when they have a hiding spot. This could be a cave, plants, or even a simple cardboard box. Make sure that their hiding spot is large enough for them to comfortably fit inside and that it is located in both the cool and warm areas of their enclosure.

Provide adequate humidity: Crested Geckos need an enclosure that has a humidity level of 50-70%. This can be achieved by misting the tank with water once or twice per day or using a humidifier. Be sure to avoid any drastic changes in humidity levels as this could potentially stress your gecko out.

Feed them properly: Crested Geckos are insectivores and need a diet that consists mostly of insects. Live food such as crickets, mealworms, and waxworms should make up the bulk of their diet. Be sure to dust the insects with calcium powder before feeding them to your gecko. Vegetables such as kale, carrots, and sweet potatoes can also be offered as occasional treats.

Give them clean water: Crested Geckos need access to clean water at all times. The best way to provide this is by using a small bowl or dish that is filled with fresh, dechlorinated water. Be sure to change the water daily and wash the bowl or dish out with soap and hot water every week.

Handle them properly: When handling your Crested Gecko, always do so gently and avoid stressing them out. They may be skittish at first, but will eventually get used to being handled.

Check their skin: Crested Geckos need a healthy coat of skin in order to thrive. If you notice any changes in color or texture, consult with your veterinarian immediately.




Seek professional help: if you have any questions or concerns about the care of your Crested Gecko, be sure to seek professional help. A veterinarian can provide you with more detailed information on how to properly care for your gecko and can offer suggestions if there are any problems with its health.

By following these ten tips, you can help ensure that your Crested Gecko stays healthy and happy!

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